Blog / Gorgias WhatsApp Integration

Gorgias WhatsApp Integration

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By Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: June 13, 2024

WhatsApp Strategy

☝️ The most important facts in brief

  • Chatarmin's Gorgias WhatsApp integration allows companies to use a single WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) for both customer support and marketing, solving scalability issues and providing a seamless user experience.
  • The integration supports both automated and manual WhatsApp support while enabling marketing teams to leverage Chatarmin's marketing features.
  • Customers interact with one WhatsApp profile for support and receive marketing campaigns through Chatarmin, eliminating the need for multiple WABAs.
  • Chatarmin's solution is unique in offering a native third-party integration for Gorgias, unlike other tools that rely on less scalable solutions like Zapier.

This blog post is designed for businesses that utilize an omnichannel support tool like Gorgias and aim to provide WhatsApp customer support wish to harness WhatsApp Marketing to enhance their new customer acquisition and retention marketing strategies, leveraging the world's most installed and popular messenger: Chatarmin WhatsApp stands out not only as the most widely used mobile app globally, boasting over two billion active monthly users, but also as the top-favored support channel, according to statistics. Chatarmin solves this issue of two separate number users need to interact with - submitting support requests on the one side and receiving marketing campaigns on the other hand side - more elegantly than any other WhatsApp CRM on the global WhatsApp market.

“If you offer omnichannel support, chances are extremely high—over 90%, or even over 95%—that support tickets will come in through WhatsApp. That's why Chatarmin focuses solely on WhatsApp.” - Johannes Mansbart, Chatarmin founder

Now, let's categorize WhatsApp customer support into two segments:

  • Automated WhatsApp support through chatbots
  • Manual WhatsApp support through support agents

While chatbots, whether built on dynamic AI or static chatbot logics, have their reasonable use cases—as indicated by this statistic:

IndustryBot Deflection*
Industry Average92.95
Fashion and Beauty Brands86.05

Verloop CSAT and Bot Deflection Report on Conversational Messaging, 2022 *Bot Deflection = % Automatically solved support tickets through Chatbots

So, you've got your clients communicating with your brand via Instagram, Facebook, Mail, SMS, WhatsApp, and more. If you're using an omnichannel customer support tool like Gorgias, challenges arise as these different channels are limited to handling inbound support requests, lacking the necessary CRM features for serving and marketing in diverse communication channels. WhatsApp stands out as the premier channel for this use case.

WhatsApp is the best channel for this use case. WhatsApp marketing works, WhatsApp support is the most popular communication channel for your customers.

Ever since Gorgias launched its WhatsApp support feature, it's been a struggle for teams to juggle two WhatsApp Business Accounts: one for support, one for marketing.

Through Chatarmin, you can use one WhatsApp account with one telephone number for both, WhatsApp support and WhatsApp marketing.

Chatarmin is the only WhatsApp software globally enabling customer support to work seamlessly in its preferred environment, while empowering marketing teams to use the best WhatsApp Marketing Software in their native infrastructure.

Check out how Chatarmin's Gorgias WhatsApp integration works:

Loom Video Thumbnail

See in the youtube video above, how Chatarmin's Gorgias WhatsApp integration works.

The challenge arises when using Gorgias's WhatsApp integration directly:

  • One WABA for support: Clients naturally interact with your Gorgias WhatsApp Support hotline for ticket resolution and queries.
  • One WABA for marketing and/or sales: Clients receive offers, event notifications, deals, news, and more through a separate WhatsApp business account with its own number, leading to confusion and a potential crack in your customers' user journey.
  • The issue is that you'll have to:
  • Manage two WABAs, one for support and one for marketing and/or sales.
  • Ensure your clients are aware of which WABA to address for their specific desires, questions, and problems.
  • Correspond and engage with your clients through two entirely separate WhatsApp infrastructures.
  • Ask your clients to ideally save your WABAs as contacts, especially if you are not yet verified.
  • Your alternative:
  • Not offering WhatsApp support at all.
  • Splitting your WhatsApp traffic into two WABAs, with two phone numbers, and two business profiles: one for Support and the other using a WhatsApp CRM such as Chatarmin for sales and/or marketing purposes.
  • Chatarmin addresses this challenge through its Gorgias WhatsApp integration. Simply don't activate Gorgias's native WhatsApp solution; instead, add Chatarmin as a custom third-party app. This way, you can use the same WABA for both support and marketing, without your team having to switch skins or hop between software platforms.

Gorgias WhatsApp integration for support, Chatarmin WhatsApp tool for marketing.

Combine Gorgias WhatsApp Business Account with WhatsApp Marketing through Chatarmin WhatsApp Marketing Tool.

Your clients communicate with one WhatsApp Business Profile, engaging with your WhatsApp customer support on Gorgias, and receiving their WhatsApp marketing campaigns such as automations and campaigns through Chatarmin.

What is Gorgias?

Gorgias, the "#1 rated helpdesk for ecommerce merchants" was founded in Paris in 2015. Gorgias is a customer support suite enabling companies to manage their clients’ support tickets through a multi-messenger inbox and automated routing, ticketing, and support-agent system.

Customer support tool Gorgias integrates with Chatarmin WhatsApp Marketing Tool.

Use only one WhatsApp accont for Gorgias and your WhatsApp Marketing efforts, through Chatarmin

Gorgias is an omnichannel customer support tool, so, in addition to WhatsApp and email, customers can open tickets using chat, Facebook posts, private Facebook messages, Twitter, and many other social channels.

How to get started: 5 steps to your Gorgias WhatsApp Integration with Chatarmin

Here are your quick five steps on how to get started with Gorgias and Chatarmin, maintaining one WABA and one phone number for all your WhatsApp needs:

  1. Get your Chatarmin account.
  2. Get your Gorgias account.
  3. Copy & Paste your Gorgias API key into your Chatarmin Dashboard.
  4. Install Chatarmin as your third-party customer support channel in Gorgias.
  5. Test your solution by texting your WABA, iterate the solution as you see fit, and you're finished!
  6. Setting up your Gorgias WhatsApp integration with Chatarmin is remarkably straightforward. We are the only WhatsApp CRM globally flexible enough to offer customer support in Gorgias and marketing in Chatarmin.

Chatarmin bietet Support WhatsApp Integrationen mit inkludiertem WhatsApp-Marketing.

The 8-figure Shopify & Klaviyo D2C brand "Fatbikeskopen" scales over 95% of support via Chatarmin's Gorgias WhatsApp integration.

Comparison between zendesk and Gorgias

Whilst we just recently launched our blogpost on Chatarmin’s zendesk WhatsApp integration, here is your comparison between Gorgias and zendesk Customer Support Suites:

Fully onboard within 7 days: migration, onboarding & supportMonths to get up and running: slow onboarding & success
More order-related actions: cancel, refund, create ordersLimited control over orders: switch tabs to check
Deeper integrations with your ecommerce apps.Integrations for more industries: non-ecom-focus
Turn social media comments into tickets.Limited social media
Macros that trigger actions in Shopify.Limited Shopify actions: daily actions require to hop skin
Exclusively builds ecommerce features, 100% customer-drivenDeprioritizes ecommerce features.
Automations triggered by actions.Time-based automations (on a delay): 1x/hr automations
Fast-acting customer support team 24/7Ask users about Zendesk support speed: be aware of reviews
Unlimited users.Pay-per-user.

So, as you can see, Gorgia’s focus is surely a big upside and argument to choose Gorgias and the Chatarmin Gorgias-WhatsApp-integration. Just like Chatarmin focuses on eCommerce more than any other WhatsApp CRM. Apart from that, zendesk has been in the industry way longer, thus, it is also a very respected, distributed and stable infrastructure.

Compare Gorgias with zendesk to make your decision on your customer support tool.

Chatarmin offers a WhatsApp marketing integration for Gorgias as well as zendesk.

Once you got an overview over Gorgias' and zendesk's feature- and support-landscape, you might wanna dive into the software-sales-footnote of the pricing structurse of both customer support suites. Both are strong tools and integrated through Chatarmin's Gorgias-WhatsApp-integration and zendesk-WhatsApp-integration. This is what we will analyze next.

Gorgias & zendesk pricing comparison: Chatarmin WhatsApp integration works for both as a 3rd party app

Support Team: $19 per agent/monthStarter: $10 per month
Support Professional: $55 per agent/monthBasic: $50 per month
Support Enterprise: $115 per agent/monthPro: $300 per month
Suite Team: $55 per agent/month-
Suite Growth: $89 per agent/month-
Suite Professional: $115 per agent/monthAdvanced: $750 per month
Suite Enterprise: Contact sales for pricingEnterprise: Contact sales for pricing

*All plans are billed annually. *All plans except for Gorgias Starter are billed annually.

It will totally be up to you to decide which system you would love to work with. We can only say, we got clients working with both infrastructures, and both obviously have their pro’s and con’s just like it is the case always, when you do have the choice in software sales.

[BONUS] Why Zapier is Not the Solution for your Gorgias WhatsApp integration

When software sales tells you “they have an integration” or “you can use our Zapier integration to access thousands of integrations”: run. It will neither be scalable, professional, nor an unlimited solution. As soon as you voice one custom individual request, you'll be lost and left alone. Ask for native integrations and real demos of the solutions you request. Only the native Gorgias WhatsApp integration by Chatarmin, provides the necessary robustness and integrativity needed to scale your WhatsApp-Support- and WhatsApp-Marketing-operations at ease.

Chatarmin combines WhatsApp support with WhatsApp marketing in one telephone number.

Chatarmin combines WhatsApp support with WhatsApp marketing in one telephone number.

Chatarmin is the only WhatsApp Marketing Software globally to offer a native 3rd party Gorgias WhatsApp integration.

With this in mind, Chatarmin is the only WhatsApp CRM globally with a Gorgias WhatsApp integration, allowing you to install your custom WhatsApp account as a third-party app in Gorgias.

This way, support and marketing can both work with their dream tech stack, all while using the same WABA that is the only one your clients will have to engage with. Have a talk about our unique Gorgias WhatsApp integration here, and apply for a free 2-week-demo:

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