Blog / WhatsApp CRM: How to use WhatsApp in CRM [2024 GUIDE]

WhatsApp CRM: How to use WhatsApp in CRM [2024 GUIDE]

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By Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: October 14, 2024

WhatsApp Strategy

โ˜๏ธ The most important facts in brief

  • What is a WhatsApp CRM: A tool that integrates WhatsApp with your CRM to enhance customer communication, lead generation, and data enrichment.
  • Benefits: Provides better KPIs than email, easy integration with other tools (e.g., Klaviyo, Shopify), allows for automated workflows, and is scalable and GDPR-compliant.
  • Key Functions: Includes lead generation and enrichment, automation and flows, campaign and newsletter distribution, and integration with existing software infrastructure.
  • Use Cases: Effective for various industries including eCommerce, B2B sales, and hospitality to improve customer engagement, support, and marketing efforts.

Email is the most important and most popular communication channel in the business environment. Most CRMs are (exclusively) focussed on email. In this blog post, we shed light on

  • what a WhatsApp CRM is
  • how a WhatsApp CRM works
  • how to install and use a WhatsApp CRM
  • when you should consider a WhatsApp CRM.
  • best practices for professional WhatsApp communication
  • and much more. is your WhatsApp marketing tool with Shopify integration

Chatarmin is the leading WhatsApp CRM from Austria

Email communication with customers no longer works as efficiently as it used to in the following industries:

  • D2C eCommerce: Customers are inundated with promotional emails and no longer read or respond to promotional emails from brands
  • B2B Sales & Hospitality: Even professional relationships cannot be maintained by email. Mass emails from agencies and SaaS companies flood professional inboxes, making professional dialogue almost impossible.
  • Trade: Print advertising consumes up to 90% of advertising budgets in the DACH region. At the same time, paper and print are more expensive than ever before due to global supply chain problems and raw material prices. At the same time, people in urban areas no longer want flyers. Print cannot be analysed and tracked, and is also an environmental sin.
  • Hotel industry: The pressure from booking platforms such as "Booking" or "Airb'n'b" is so great that many hotels and hotel chains no longer do their own marketing. This dependency is a problem

We could continue this list indefinitely, but will limit ourselves here to sectors in which we have active customers who tell us about their problems and challenges on a daily basis.

The share of spam emails in global email traffic is between 45% and 55%

In December 2022, spam emails accounted for around 45.2 per cent of all email traffic worldwide.

Not only email, but also other communication channels are now hyper-inefficient:

  • Phone & landline: People hardly ever make phone calls these days, especially young people are no longer used to doing so. Personal contact on a professional level is increasingly being cancelled.
  • Fax: Most companies no longer even operate a fax machine.
  • Social Media: Running B2B social media successfully is extremely difficult. Fake gurus and dubious agencies create mistrust on Youtube, Instagram, Tik Tok and Co. The algorithms are not designed for B2B performance, so it is extremely difficult to acquire B2B and B2C customers profitably and/or sustainably on social media.
  • LinkedIn spam: Even though LinkedIn has established itself as THE social media for the world of work, most private inboxes are now unusably spammed by mass sales automation.
  • SMS: Even though iMessage is widespread in the USA and SMS is still used in markets such as Scandinavia. In the DACH region and in developing countries, SMS plays no role in people's everyday lives.

![WhatsApp is the most popular messenger worldwide with almost three billion users (

WhatsApp is the most popular app and the best-known messenger in the world, and the trend is constantly on the rise.

More and more companies are therefore looking for an efficient way to

  • new customer acquisition
  • Customer loyalty

A WhatsApp CRM should be able to do both. We'll explain how this works in the following lines.

You read enough and want to learn more about us? Book your WhatsApp strategy session with our team:

Johannes Mansbart

Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder

Advantages of a WhatsApp CRM tool

First things first: We won't be explaining all the benefits of WhatsApp marketing and WhatsApp marketing best practices in this WhatsApp CRM blog post. We've done that extensively elsewhere and will also link you to the resources. You can find out how to create a WhatsApp newsletter here. So what are the advantages of a WhatsApp CRM tool?

  • Better KPIs than email or other communication channels
  • Easy to use
  • Perfect integration with other tools such as Klaviyo, Shopify, Stripe, Mailchimp & Co.
  • Automations, just like you are used to from other CRMs
  • GDPR-compliant and scalable WhatsApp is still young, NOW you are still an "early adopter"
  • Coordination with email for the ideal communication duo

2023 is the perfect time to start WhatsApp marketing

If you use a WhatsApp CRM for your corporate communications, you are a digital pioneer in most industries

We hope that you now have an overview of the possibilities and advantages of a WhatsApp CRM. Let's now take a look at the four most important functions of a WhatsApp CRM:

  • Lead generation and lead enrichment
  • Automations and flows
  • Campaign and newsletter dispatch
  • Integrations with software infrastructure

Lead generation and lead enrichment with a WhatsApp CRM

"How do I get my customers' mobile phone numbers?" - We were asked this question almost every day, especially in the early days of Chatarmin. The answer is simple:

Using a WhatsApp Link Generator - which Chatarmin provides in the WhatsApp CRM, of course - you can easily acquire

  • the WhatsApp user names (95% of which are first name or first name and surname) &
  • the mobile phone number

of your customers. This works simply by "link-clicking", as you can see in the example of "waterdropยฎ" and the mobile "pop-up leads":

waterdropยฎ scales its mobile lead gen via WhatsApp popup, resulting in 50% more leads than via email.

By clicking on the CTA in the mobile pop-up, waterdropยฎ secures the customer's WhatsApp username and mobile phone number with a "one-click".

Mobile pop-up lead generation via WhatsApp one-click performs around 50% better than the usual lead generation form filling, which is not a user-friendly journey for mobile traffic on tablets and smartphones.

Mobile lead gen works 50% better via WhatsApp than via email

Comparison of email and WhatsApp lead generation for mobile website traffic

Through lead enrichment in the WhatsApp welcome flow, which you can easily create using the WhatsApp CRM Chatarmin, you will receive the email address of these leads yourself. This not only gives you more leads, but also higher quality leads.

Another example is Chatarmin customer BAUHAUS, a large DIY and furniture retail chain in Austria.

BAUHAUS Austria uses Chatarmin and WhatsApp marketing in offline promotions and PR campaigns.

BAUHAUS generates leads through the WhatsApp CRM Chatarmin by distributing the Chaststart link via QR code.

Every WhatsApp CRM should offer you the option of creating an infinite number of chatstart links. This allows you to build your WhatsApp list in your WhatsApp CRM in a simple, GDPR-compliant and scalable way. This is how you "collect your customers' mobile phone numbers".

If you now want to enrich these leads, it makes sense to query the following in the "welcome automation" that you create with your WhatsApp CRM:

  • Product preferences
  • Age of the customer
  • Gender of the customer
  • Customer interest
  • Birthday of the customer

This allows you to segment in your WhatsApp CRM and only send relevant offers and information to the right target group.

FinTech WhatsApp Marketing Lead-Gen and Lead-Enrichment Flow

WhatsApp lead gen and lead enrichment from the Austrian FinTech "froots"

We hope that you now have a feel for what WhatsApp lead gen and WhatsApp lead enrichment looks like and could look like in a WhatsApp CRM. If you still have questions, you can find more information about WhatsApp strategy in lead gen and lead enrichment here.

Automations and flows in the WhatsApp CRM

Every reasonable WhatsApp CRM should offer you the option of creating "flows" - also known as "automations". This is what such a flow looks like in our WhatsApp CRM Chatarmin:

Platform retention and lead enrichment flow, integrating WhatsApp with Stripe through Chatarmins' Flow builder.

WhatsApp CRM flow of a Chatarmin customer

You can trigger these on different events:

  • "Buzzwords", i.e. signal words that are included in the chat start link
  • API webhooks from your CRM
  • API webhooks from your shop system
  • WhatsApp activity of your customers
  • Other activities of your customers

For example, Chatarmin offers the option of using custom endpoints from your unique API as flow triggers. The best way to find out how this works is in a personal conversation.

Flows let you:

  • Collect information from your customers automatically
  • "tag" your customers and thus later segment and target them
  • enrich leads by asking for birthdays, preferences, interests or (email) addresses
  • give customers the data sovereignty to unsubscribe from WhatsApp again
  • and much more

If you have other MarTech system infrastructure that you use, it can optionally be very important that the system communicates with your WhatsApp CRM. This gives you centralised data sovereignty, but still prevents data silos and ensures transparent information flows between your relevant software infrastructure.

In eCommerce, for example, this is provided by our Shopify & Klaviyo integration.

But such high data quality and data permeability is also possible for you and your industry!

WhatsApp campaigns and WhatsApp newsletter dispatch

Your WhatsApp CRM shouldn't just let you collect and enrich customer data. No, you also want and should do something with it. We are not going to create a complete guide to creating and sending a WhatsApp newsletter here. But you should be aware that:

  • WhatsApp sending is very similar to email newsletters
  • you have to master similar operational aspects in your WhatsApp CRM as in your email CRM
  • WhatsApp via WhatsApp CRM is GDPR-compliant and scalable. Chatarmin proves this.

Once you have built up a customer list, you want to use WhatsApp campaigns to target them. These should:

  • be infrequent but highly relevant
  • match the messaging of your usual sales and marketing channels
  • Be segmented according to your customers' interests, preferences and profiles

We have linked you to a complete WhatsApp Newsletter Best Practices Guide We will now turn our attention to choosing the right WhatsApp CRM for you.

Choosing the right WhatsApp Business account for your WhatsApp CRM

To create a WhatsApp business account, you need a (mobile or landline) phone number. You also need a credit card to cover the WhatsApp costs. Once you have fulfilled these two requirements, you can start choosing your ideal WhatsApp CRM.

If you don't know why you need all this, here is a comparison table of "WhatsApp Private", "WhatsApp Business" and the "WhatsApp Business Platform", on the basis of which WhatsApp CRMs such as Chatarmin are programmed.

FeatureWhatsApp Business AppWhatsApp Business PremiumWhatsApp Business Platform
Monthly costsFreeFreeโ‚ฌ99.00 + META costs
Free conversationsโœ…โŒโŒ
GDPR complianceโŒโŒโŒ
Automations and journeysโŒโŒโœ…
Support agents and ticketingโŒโŒโœ…
WhatsApp mobile appโœ…โœ…โŒ
Dashboards and analyticsโŒโŒโœ…
Custom logins and 2FAโŒโŒโœ…
Documentation and segmentsโŒโŒโœ…
API integrationsโŒโŒโœ…
WhatsApp desktop users410Infinite
Klaviyo WhatsApp IntegrationโŒโŒโŒโœ…
Shopify WhatsApp IntegrationโŒโŒโŒโœ…
Shopware WhatsApp IntegrationโŒโŒโŒโœ…

Now that you know why you need to set up a "WhatsApp Business Platform Account" in your META Business Suite (don't worry - we'll do it for you!), feel free to ask yourself these questions:

  1. when do I want to start using a WhatsApp CRM?
  2. why do I want to start with a WhatsApp CRM?
  3. what advantages do I expect from a WhatsApp CRM?
  4. what are the potential disadvantages of a WhatsApp CRM?
  5. how much budget do I have for a WhatsApp CRM?

To make it easier for you to find your ideal WhatsApp CRM, we have put together a comparison table of the most relevant and common WhatsApp CRM providers:

providerprice/monthsurcharge/conversationAPIsupport casemarketing casemulti-messenger
Sinch Engageโ‚ฌ199,00+โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…

If you still have questions, book your WhatsApp CRM consultation with us:

Johannes Mansbart

Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder

WhatsApp CRM: These are the advantages of using a WhatsApp CRM

Why should you use a WhatsApp CRM at all? Entrepreneurs who do not yet use WhatsApp in their company come to us with the following problems:

  • We no longer reach our customers by email
  • We are unable to provide our customers with relevant information
  • Our customers enter incorrect telephone numbers in forms and onboarding routes
  • Our emails end up in spam or are not delivered

Entrepreneurs who already use WhatsApp in their company come to us with the following problems:

  • When my sales/marketing employee leaves us, he takes all the customer data and documentation of the chats with him!
  • We have no idea - neither data transparency nor data sovereignty about our employees' WhatsApp correspondence.
  • We would like to control WhatsApp centrally, but segment and automate it decentrally

We have now identified the following use cases for a WhatsApp CRM:

  • B2B sales: Decentralised chats, offers, deals, sales and campaigns for sales employees, with central data sovereignty and control, as well as central marketing campaigns
  • Decentralised marketing campaigns: for customer cohorts with different profiles
  • D2C eCommerce: 2-pillar retention model between email and WhatsApp in D2C eCommerce marketing
  • Support: Customer support via WhatsApp, which is GDPR-compliant and scalable and only possible via WhatsApp CRM
  • Lead generation: Automated one-click lead generation via WhatsApp - your leads of today are your customers of tomorrow
  • Lead enrichment: Automated collection of information from your target group and customers through flows and automation
  • In-stay, stay and post-stay automations: Tourism and hospitality thrive on customer spend-happiness during a period of time.
  • Maximise your revenue through additional bookings such as massages, events, tickets and co. via "fast-lane" WhatsApp sales & support.

WhatsApp CRM Chatarmin is focused on D2C eCommerce Use Cases, WhatsApp-Marketing.

100% tracking analytics of an eCommerce Chatarmin customer who uses Chatarmin as WhatsApp CRM for their WhatsApp marketing.

If one of these use cases applies to you, book your personal consultation with us!. Read on to learn more about the world of WhatsApp CRMs.

The fact is, only with a WhatsApp CRM will you be able to

  • Track & analyse your WhatsApp activities
  • Decentralise admin access to chats and campaigns for individual user cohorts
  • Integrate with the rest of your software infrastructure
  • Centralise data sovereignty and compliance
  • Centralise marketing campaigns and activities

This allows support, marketing and sales to work together while you combine compliance, data sovereignty and transparency. This is only possible with an agile and modern WhatsApp CRM such as Chatarmin.

WhatsApp outbound campaigns: Send mass mailings via WhatsApp CRM

The "WhatsApp newsletter" does not exist as such, we prefer to use the word "WhatsApp campaign" due to WhatsApp Marketing Best Practices.

Sending WhatsApp campaigns is described in more detail in this blog post and is one of the most important use cases of a WhatsApp CRM.

How to send a WhatsApp campaign:

  1. first have a "template" verified in Chatarmin by the "WhatsApp Business Platform"
  2. test your campaign internally or to yourself
  3. schedule (scheduling!) or send your campaign, optionally to a segment of your WhatsApp list
  4. done! Track and analyse the results of your WhatsApp campaign

Here you can see in a GIF how to request, edit, send and then analyse a WhatsApp campaign for verification:

WhatsApp CRM feature number one is sending out Whatsapp campaigns or newsletters

Many multi-messenger or support tools cannot send out WhatsApp campaigns. Chatarmin is THE WhatsApp CRM for WhatsApp marketing

Segmentation, tagging, decentralisation of your WhatsApp CRM

In our opinion, a WhatsApp CRM must have the following functions:

  • Tagging: Automated and manual distribution of tags, both individually and in bulk. "Tags" are "snippets of information" that categorise your users by geography, preferences, age, gender, and other cohort criteria.
  • Segmentation: "Tagging" alone is not enough to satisfy the segmentation needs of a WhatsApp marketer. Therefore, a WhatsApp CRM must also be able to "segment". Ideally, segments are "dynamic" and have "and/or" logic. This means that you don't have to create a new segment every time you want to segment your customer database to "has shopped with us in the last 3 months AND purchased over three products AND spent over โ‚ฌ150.00", you need "AND" logic and transparency between your WhatsApp CRM and your shop, ERP and/or CRM infrastructure. This is how modern (retention) marketing works. This is how WhatsApp CRM must work.
  • Decentralisation: It is unlikely that WhatsApp will immediately become your most important communication channel. You are more likely to first hypothesise, then test, validate and only then scale your customer approach via WhatsApp. It helps if your WhatsApp CRM knows right from the start how which user interacts where with your alternative communication channels. You should also know about their purchasing behaviour so that you can easily hyper-personalise the ideal customer approach, as described in the example above. In a way, we see a WhatsApp CRM as a "Zapier for retention marketing" that can communicate, segment and react to other MarTech infrastructure such as Shopify & Klaviyo via flow triggers.

Segment your WhatsApp CRM into email & WhatsApp user cohorts

Segment in Chatarmin based on the criterion of whether your contact has stored their email address. The dynamic segment updates itself at the push of a button or automatically every minute.

Here you will find a second example of (dynamic) segmentation in the WhatsApp CRM Chatarmin, in this case only as a criterion that the customer has not entered an email address - i.e. "WhatsApp only":

Klaviyo criterion "WhatsApp only" in Chatarmin WhatsApp eCommerce CRM.

In terms of CLTV, it makes a difference whether you "only" have the WhatsApp lead or the "WhatsApp&Email lead". This also changes a lot in the customer approach

We hope that these simple examples have given you a good feel for segmentation options in your WhatsApp CRM.

Automations and routing or decentralisation in your WhatsApp CRM

Next, we'll look at the all-important WhatsApp CRM criteria:

  • Webhook triggers
  • Automations, in marketing, sales and distribution
  • Routing and automated tagging & segmenting

If you don't want to read any further, but would like to make an appointment with us, please book in with us:

Johannes Mansbart

Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder

Webhook triggers and API calls in your WhatsApp CRM

To understand these advanced WhatsApp CRM features, Chatarmin namesake, founder and CTO Armin Daryabegi created an explanation video for a customer. In it, you can see how Chatarmin interacts and communicates with your API, or the API of your MarTech infrastructure:

Loom Video Thumbnail

Using the "AI Chatbot" example of a Chatarmin customer, you can see how you can integrate your AI chatbot into WhatsApp and have it communicate with the Chatarmin API.

AI customer support via WhatsApp is already feasible in practice. Are you interested in this - or similar - use cases? Feel free to contact us.

WhatsApp CRM automations in marketing, sales & support

We have written enough about WhatsApp marketing automations. But what about Sales & Support? A CRM is at least as important in these two areas as it is in marketing. Ideally, your WhatsApp CRM should also be able to handle sales and support. This is how it works:

WhatsApp CRM in support

Not all of our customers have an AI chatbot. In most cases, support is

  • manual
  • automated

automated via WhatsApp. We shed light on the status quo of both options.

WhatsApp CRM in support

In WhatsApp support, we differentiate between

  • manual support and
  • automated support

and will now discuss both solutions below. The fact is, any decent WhatsApp CRM should and must be able to handle both use cases. Regardless of whether you want to offer manual WhatsApp support, automated WhatsApp chatbot support or no WhatsApp support at all ("disclaimer support").

WhatsApp CRM - manual WhatsApp support

If you want to manage your WhatsApp support manually, we can recommend automated tagging and routing.This allows you to manage the onslaught of your support tickets with up to three customer service employees.If the requests become too numerous, we recommend switching to a "Customer Support Suite". However, this again has the disadvantage that you will suddenly have to work with two WABAs ("WhatsApp Business Account"). Your customers communicate with two of your company accounts, with two different phone numbers:

  • one WABA in the CSS system
  • one WABA in the CRM/marketing/sales system

Chatarmin will never become a multi-messenger tool, as this makes the product focus too broad, the solution no longer good enough and finding and defending product/market fit impossible.

So we have developed the following solution for this situation: Instead of using the native WhatsApp integration of a "customer support tool", Chatarmin develops apps - i.e. native integrations - for them. So you don't have to use the "WhatsApp integration" of the respective support tool. Instead, you use the Chatarmin integration of the respective tool.This way, you keep one WABA with one phone number, and your support team can work in their perfect tool environment, while marketing and sales work in the ideal WhatsApp CRM - Chatarmin.

At Chatarmin, we have currently developed the following custom integrations for customer support solutions:- Gorgias- Zendesk

  • FreshdeskSo if you are currently considering which customer support tool to choose or are already using one of these solutions, we can help you.The perfect CRM setup for WhatsApp in Sales, Support & Marketing is at your fingertips.

Chatarmin offers you the full WhatsApp CRM solution for sales, support & marketing with one WABA and one phone number

Chatarmin offers you the full WhatsApp CRM solution for sales, support & marketing with one WABA and one phone number.

WhatsApp CRM in support - automated support

If you don't want to offer WhatsApp support at all, or don't want to do so via the Chatarmin WABA, which is not really necessary, that's no problem. You're in good company. The following large companies or 7- and 8-figure D2C brands from the DACH region either have no active WhatsApp support at all, or solve this via two WABAs with two telephone numbers and correspondingly separate infrastructures between support and sales/marketing:

  • BAUHAUS Austria
  • Nah&Frisch Austria
  • waterdropยฎ
  • Bitter Love
  • Metaflow

Although we call this setup "suboptimal", it doesn't stop these companies from generating up to 9-digit company revenues annually while implementing WhatsApp as a relevant pillar of their sales, support and marketing strategy.

Want to know how? Book your free WhatsApp consulting with us:

Johannes Mansbart

Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder

WhatsApp CRM in sales

Who hasn't experienced this problem? Your own sales employees communicate privately with customers and the company has no idea what's going on. You are missing here:

  • an overview of what your employees are discussing with customers
  • (Performance) analytics about the customer touchpoints of your employees
  • Analysis and feedback options based on quantifiable data
  • Adherence to compliance guidelines
  • Decentralization of chats and campaigns to enable employees to personally support their key accounts
  • Centralized marketing opportunities with decentralized customer cohorts

Not only have we solved this problem due to the GDPR compliance of our WhatsApp CRM, but we also offer practical ways to solve exactly these issues.

By filtering on tags and segments, chats can be automatically routed in the WhatsApp CRM.

By filtering on tags and segments, chats can be automatically routed in the WhatsApp CRM. Decentralization of chats and campaigns for employees in sales and support.

Mobile responsiveness also plays a role - both in WhatsApp CRM as a "progressive web app" and as a "mobile app". You can see an example here:

Mobile use is mandatory for agency and sales force employees

In Hospitality & Sales, sales employees must be able to create and send offers, answer questions and communicate personally with customers in a decentralized and mobile manner.

WhatsApp CRM in marketing

We have written enough about WhatsApp Marketing, WhatsApp Marketing Strategies and WhatsApp Newsletter as well as WhatsApp Newsletter Best Practices. The fact is:

  • WhatsApp marketing works
  • RPR's are on average between โ‚ฌ1.50 and โ‚ฌ2.50, but can also be absurdly high like โ‚ฌ100.00+
  • Opening rates are close to 100%
  • Click-through rates are sometimes ~50%+/-
  • Conversion rates average 5-10%, but can be as high as 80%

We will now return to more WhatsApp CRM-specific topics and hope you enjoy reading the WhatsApp marketing resources linked above.

WhatsApp CRM: data analysis & transparency

Your employees may already be using WhatsApp for internal or customer communication. You have the following problems:

Data protection: The "WhatsApp Private App" and "WhatsApp Business App" are generally considered to be not GDPR-compliant Analysis options: You lack transparency and analysis as you do not have a transparent data situation Decentralized/centralized interaction: You have no chance to segment, decentralize, and thus effectively pair sales & marketing in WhatsApp

Let's now turn our attention to the analysis capabilities of a WhatsApp CRM.

The "WhatsApp Business Platform", which as a WhatsApp API ("programming interface") underlies all WhatsApp CRMs, generally allows the tracking of the following KPIs:

  • Recipients: How many recipients are included in the current campaign
  • Opening Rate: How many of my recipients have read the campaign as a percentage and in absolute terms
  • Bounces/Undelivered: How many of my recipients did not receive the campaign because they have blocked you, their number is not up to date, or no WhatsApp account is registered under the addressed phone number

Admittedly, this is not very much. With Chatarmin functions, we create the following additional tracking options:

  • Click Rate: How many of my recipients clicked on the CTA ("Call To Action" - link or button) in the WhatsApp campaign in absolute and percentage terms
  • Revenue: How much revenue did the WhatsApp campaign generate in the online store?
  • Unsubscribes: How many of my recipients have unsubscribed from the WhatsApp list?

Here you will find an overview of the optimal WhatsApp KPIs, whereby our customers surprise us every day with their results and performances.

WhatsApp CRM Chatarmin is focused on D2C eCommerce Use Cases, WhatsApp-Marketing.

WhatsApp marketing results of a Chatarmin customer for Black Week 2023

What else interests you analytically in support and sales:

  • Bot Deflection: How many support tickets are resolved by an automated (AI) chatbot in percentage and absolute terms without the team having to intervene manually?
  • CSAT: Query the satisfaction of your customers after a support ticket and derive your "CSAT Score" (Customer Satisfaction Rating) from it
  • Time til ticket solved: How long it takes until a request is finally closed and satisfactorily dealt with
  • Chats opened: How many chats were opened, served and closed (by one employee/per employee)
  • Sales KPIs: Offers and/or sales: How many sales - or offers, has an employee written, sent, and generated.
  • Campaigns/Field Office: How many marketing campaigns did which employee, franchisee or decentralized branch partner send out, and what are the results?

A WhatsApp CRM should be able to offer you all these metrics. Chatarmin can offer all of these KPIs, depending on how it is connected to your other tech stack.

We hope that you now have an overview of the necessary and possible WhatsApp KPIs based on both the WhatsApp Business Platform and Chatarmin.

WhatsApp CRM: Account management

Chatarmin offers you account management. What does that mean? We understand this to mean two key aspects:

You need several WABAs for different companies, use cases or departments: we can provide the ideal solution here with multi-account setups Your employees need decentralized access to their own customers in sales and/or support, but should not be able to see everything

We will focus on the second aspect in this section, as the first is only really relevant for a few companies.

Companies that deal with account management in WhatsApp CRM usually have sales employees or a dedicated support team, or both. Here it is important that the employees

are able to interact with their "own customers" to answer questions and provide personal assistance be able to write and send personalized offers to generate deals Generate sales & revenue without (unknowingly) losing valuable data

Through Chatarmin's tagging and segmentation capabilities, we can offer you administrative instances that

  • let your sales representatives interact personally with their customers
  • Let your support center act centrally with all customers
  • Let your marketing team carry out centralized and decentralized campaigns and mailings

WhatsApp Campaigns for scalable B2B Marketing through Chatarmin.

The family business "Kammerberger" uses the WhatsApp CRM Chatarmin for WhatsApp B2B Sales, Marketing & Support

If you would like to learn more about the interaction of sales, support & marketing, as well as the centralization and decentralization possibilities of a WhatsApp CRM, please contact our team:

Johannes Mansbart

Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder

Turn your CRM into a WhatsApp CRM: Integrating your email CRM with Chatarmin

Let's repeat the basics:

  • Most businesses communicate (almost exclusively) via email
  • Email no longer works
  • A professional, GDPR-compliant, scalable alternative is needed

The main areas of application of WhatsApp can be found in

  • marketing
  • sales
  • support

and ideally every department and every tool knows what is happening with the others.

By integrating your email CRM, you create data transparency between the respective systems, even if your email CRM serves as a "source of truth" or "customer data panel". We have illustrated this here using Klaviyo Email CRM as an example:

Step-by-step guide how to enrich a cold lead with klaviyo activity through Chatarmin

Native CRM integrations turn your WhatsApp CRM into a data hub that recognizes email leads and can enrich them.

This also makes it possible to analyze the incremental added value of WhatsApp (measured by RPU - i.e. "Revenue per User" or CLTV - i.e. "Customer Lifetime Value").

Analyze your WhatsApp performance directly in Chatarmin, having integrated Shopify and Klaviyo with WhatsApp.

Analysis of Email, WhatsApp and Email&WhatsApp user cohorts in Chatarmin and Klaviyo_

In our article on Chatarmin Klaviyo WhatsApp integration you will find a detailed analysis of the interaction between email and WhatsApp. This is also possible for Mailchimp, Emarsys, Salesforce, Pipedrive, Hubspot and co.

We have also analyzed the interaction between your native customer support infrastructure and your WhatsApp CRM using the following examples

  • Gorgias
  • Zendesk
  • Freshdesk

and described it sufficiently.

We have sufficiently described the decentralization of your sales efforts via WhatsApp using

  • routing
  • tagging
  • segmentation
  • Centralization/decentralization of marketing/sales

has been explained. So now we come to our WhatsApp CRM conclusion.

Conclusion WhatsApp CRM

We hope that you now have a feel for

  1. what a WhatsApp CRM looks like
  2. what a WhatsApp CRM must be able to do
  3. why a WhatsApp CRM is beneficial
  4. when you should consider or implement a WhatsApp CRM

In our opinion, you should use a WhatsApp CRM if:

  • your company communicates internally via WhatsApp
  • customer communication takes place via WhatsApp
  • your employees communicate with other stakeholders via WhatsApp
  • email or other communication channels are exhausted or "don't work" the way you want them to

Chatarmin creates as WhatsApp CRM:

  • GDPR compliance
  • Scalability of your WhatsApp communication
  • Decentralizability of WhatsApp support & sales
  • Centralizability of WhatsApp marketing
  • Integration of WhatsApp with your CRM, store system and other software infrastructure

Get started with WhatsApp Marketing, Sales & Support based on a professional WhatsApp CRM! If you still have questions, read more about our world of WhatsApp or talk to us!

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