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Learn how our software gives these brands control over their growth.

How MeubelBass generated over €75k in just 2 MONTHS with a Setup of 10 minutes

38,4x ROI by OLAKALA at their latest EARLY ACCESS WhatsApp Campaign

How That's me Organic drastically outperformed E-Mail with WhatsApp

How cusb accomplished a 25,3x ROI through a single WhatsApp Campaign

How Matchaland achieved a 87,5x ROI on their Pre-Order WhatsApp Campaign

How BODY IP accomplished a 32,9x ROI on their Whey Restock Campaign

How OFFSET Nutrition accomplished 25€ RPR with their WhatsApp Flow

How myDartpfeil achieved a 256,5x ROI with their 2 for 1 Presale campaign

99X ROI with ELFBAR's 2-year anniversary campaign

How Banana Beauty Drives Multi-National Success with 20.31% CTR via WhatsApp Marketing

How Tales & Tails generated €135k Revenue with their Welcome Flow

How bedrop made €42,6k in 1 hour with WhatsApp Marketing

How Naughty Nuts accomplished a 121,5X ROI on their EARLY BIRD WhatsApp Campaign