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WhatsApp Salesforce integration: how to do it

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CRM, Support


☝️ The most important facts in brief

  • The seamless and comprehensive integration of WhatsApp into Salesforce with Chatarmin synchronizes your sales processes while still maintaining the CRM as the so-called source of truth.
  • Traditional communication channels will be retained for customers who prefer them.
  • Offering WhatsApp as an additional channel for customer interaction makes this integration so valuable because it enables more efficient ways of reaching new customers or cold customer contacts with the help of the messenger service.
  • Automated synchronization improves the workflow in your company and creates additional time for creative marketing ideas.

Automation works best when there is seamless integration between the individual tools, and Chatarm offers you customized solutions to bundle sales activities and provide additional messaging channels as a means of communication.

What can the Salesforce WhatsApp integration do?

In a nutshell, this integration of WhatsApp into Salesforce turns your CRM into a gold mine!

For years, managing records in your CRM has segmented customers into

  • long-standing, recurring customers with high sales
  • reliable customers with low to medium sales
  • random and one-time customers
  • cold or dormant contacts

With the help of WhatsApp, you can reactivate these customers for your business or bind them to your company in such a way that the proportion of high-revenue customers increases, which your sales team takes care of.

Customer communication through WhatsApp does not have to exclude the use of e-mails. Finding the right mix is what makes the use of Salesforce and WhatsApp Business so successful.

Which companies are already using the Salesforce WhatsApp integration?

It is not only large online sales companies that use WhatsApp as a communication channel.

Anyone who sees their CRM not only as a software for storing information, but also recognizes the potential of the countless old data records in this platform, should consider WhatsApp, as the most popular of the messaging tools, for their future communication.

A lot of energy is put into acquisition by your marketing. The new customer has the opportunity to choose chat, WhatsApp or email as a means of communication. Why not offer these new ways of communication to the sleeping target group in your CRM?

Can start-ups also use Salesforce and WhatsApp in combination?

Using WhatsApp integration in Salesforce from the start for messages and to improve workflow makes sense if your main focus is on smooth communication with your customers.

As a company specializing in social media and online sales, we offer you this integration as a smart package for your budgeting.

The advantages of the Salesforce WhatsApp integration from Chatarmin

A major problem in sales is a lack of interaction with customers. The response to your offer takes too long or, in the worst case, does not come at all.

Using automated reminders via the same channel also rarely results in successful sales of your products.

The solution lies in the WhatsApp Business API

The customer's WhatsApp number is now openly visible in Salesforce, but it will not be possible to use it without integrating WhatsApp. A combination of a classic offer via email and templates for reminders as WhatsApp messages will help you achieve your goals while also providing a positive customer experience.

If they have any questions, your customer can contact you immediately and they can purchase your products with just one click. The solution can be really easy with Chatarmin.

Why WhatsApp will help your business

If you know that WhatsApp messages can achieve 100% visibility, whether your company uses this integration for marketing, support or sales, you should not miss out on integrating WhatsApp into Salesforce.

Instructions for Salesforce WhatsApp integration with Chatarmin

Go to the Chatarmin-Salesforce-Connect page and click on “Connect now”.

That's it! Now you have connected Salesforce with Chatarmin!

Use cases after the successful integration of Salesforce and WhatsApp

Einstein once said that it is truly not a particularly good idea to keep doing the same thing over and over again and still hope for a different, actually better result!

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Using the Salesforce integration, Chatarmin synchronizes your WhatsApp contacts with Salesforce and vice versa. This means that you have your contacts in Chatarmin with the full name, email, phone number and other properties, and in Salesforce your source of truth remains with the information about the WhatsApp opt-in and more.

You can also specifically enrich the properties of a contact in Salesforce in a Chatarmin flow.

This way, you now know which of your contacts prefers to access you via email or WhatsApp.

Salesforce Service Cloud

The Chatarmin-Salesforce integration also allows you to reply to WhatsApp messages from your Salesforce cloud. This means that your agents do not have to work with two tools, but can stay in Salesforce while you use Chatarmin to do marketing via WhatsApp

Why synchronization is so important

From Einstein's contribution on habits, we can derive benefits for your company by increasing your sales capacity by adding WhatsApp as an additional way of contacting customers.

Every company can track how long the response process of its leads usually takes in its CRM. Managing time more effectively by shortening paths is our solution for you.

This does not mean that other channels of cooperation are rejected. WhatsApp is not intended to replace, but to complement where it makes sense and to facilitate the implementation of workflows.

Thinking of WhatsApp messages only for your marketing means ignoring the advantages of the effective messenger.

Create, import and synchronize leads

Your marketing generates new leads from a wide range of channels, and the integration of WhatsApp and Salesforce ensures that these are also available to the next teams in your company in a timely manner, so that contacts can be turned into customers.

Chatarmin's solution ensures that the implementation guarantees transparency in the Journey Builder. Salesforce is and remains your tool for accessing analyses and documentation at the click of a button.

If we create this integration for you, you can use it with a clear conscience, because we work exclusively in accordance with the GDPR. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our experts for selected messaging experiences.

Goal in this workflow

Synchronizing Salesforce with our integration and interaction options means:

  • Automatic update of the lead and deal status
  • Automatically add completed WhatsApp actions to the lead or deal
  • Add participants to the respective contact or offer
  • Reply to WhatsApp messages from the Service Cloud

Drive deals in the sales funnel and make them transparent

By using the WhatsApp Business API in conjunction with Salesforce, SMS messages in particular are replaced by WhatsApp messages. Other classic forms of message delivery remain unaffected, because proven methods of communication should not be abandoned.

The use of messages via WhatsApp is intended to drive the conclusion of a business deal and not to completely change the way it is done.

Salesforce and the seamless synchronization of data allows you to record the preferred ways of receiving offers or newsletters and to use them according to customer preferences.

WhatsApp and Salesforce will take your business to new heights of revenue. Connecting your WhatsApp Business API with Salesforce will free up resources for your employees that they previously had to use for time-consuming follow-ups.

Using WhatsApp Business in combination with templates for automated sending of reminders will free up new energies for services to leads that still have to be transformed into customers.

Automated workflows

We can't create templates for you to send WhatsApp messages automatically, but once they are integrated into our platform, workflows will be faster.

  • Sending offers
  • Accepting offers
  • Marketing mailing campaigns
  • WhatsApp newsletter marketing campaigns
  • Reactivation marketing campaigns

Resuming lost deals and closing them

Similar to abandoned shopping carts in online shops, WhatsApp and Salesforce can be used to reactivate cold contacts and unanswered offer emails for your sales organization.

Don't miss out on the opportunities that messages to long-forgotten customers can bring. A new way of making contact can be just the thing to get a signature on your offer and close a sale.

Reactivating dormant data in your CRM platform is easier than you think, because this potential customer found their way into your data collection because they were interested in working with you at some point.

As with abandoned shopping carts in shop systems, there are many reasons why a deal ultimately did not come about. Not choosing the fastest way to reach someone is one possibility.

WhatsApp offers you the opportunity to filter all this data from Salesforce, write to them again and draw their attention to you. In addition, the chat function also allows you to answer questions about a deal in the shortest possible way.

What is Salesforce in general?

In companies with high sales activities, Salesforce forms the heart of data collection.

The industry giant has built up a good reputation internationally over many years and companies of all sizes and in all industries rely on Salesforce. WhatsApp integrations further optimize the numerous possibilities for customer interaction that this CRM already offers.

Regardless of which messenger your company or your customers prefer, all relevant data is stored in Salesforce as the “source of truth” and is automatically synchronized through the WhatsApp integration.

WhatsApp messages have become an established means of collaboration in the business world. Leads that hardly respond or only respond very late to classic e-mails can be reactivated with the popular messenger and, with the help of this service, lead to higher sales.

What does CRM mean and what information does it store?

In your CRM system, even if it is not from Salesforce, all data on each contact is stored, showing

  • when the lead was last contacted
  • which team or employee was in contact with the customer
  • which project in sales or marketing was involved
  • which is the preferred channel for making contact
  • which contracts have already been concluded
  • where problems and solutions in the sales process were hidden

This transparency or source of truth is important for your business of any size, because you can see in a single application which customer journey is hidden behind a contact or which of your customers are hardly reachable by traditional email.

Integrating WhatsApp with Salesforce helps to transform new contacts into long-term customers and can encourage long-dormant partners to take new actions and make new purchases. A simple change in the way you send notifications, with relatively little effort, can take your sales to new heights.

Check out our other WhatsApp integrations:

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