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WhatsApp Magento integration: how to do it

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☝️ The most important facts in brief

  • The native Magento integration with WhatsApp Business automates a wide range of functions in the Magento online shop.
  • Aborted shopping carts are reactivated and shipping updates are sent automatically.
  • Upsell messages can be found in the new options, as can surveys for customers to improve your customer service and customer loyalty.
  • Customized WhatsApp marketing ensures higher sales per shopping cart and customer.

With the Chatarmin integration of WhatsApp and Magento, Magento shop operators can achieve a fully automated process from ordering to shipping information to post-purchase messages from a single platform.

What can the Magento WhatsApp integration do (functions, etc.)

A fully functional and native integration of WhatsApp and Magento offers your company the ability to send messages directly to your customer's smartphone. WhatsApp's open rates are impressive.

Companies with Magento as a webshop on their website benefit from the automation and ensure that there is less congestion when customers have questions about one of your products or another topic.

Sending surveys by email often means long waiting times for customer responses. WhatsApp, on the other hand, has fast and, above all, high response rates, enabling you to provide even better customer care in the future.

Segmentation of customers according to your criteria helps you to better plan your marketing via WhatsApp and to send it in a more targeted manner.

Of course, you can switch your entire notification chain to WhatsApp for certain customer profiles or rely on a successful mix of WhatsApp and email for some customers, especially when it comes to recovering abandoned shopping carts.

In order to use WhatsApp as a messaging and advertising channel, you will of course need to collect your customers' phone numbers. In addition to the chat or the form for placing an order, a WhatsApp widget in your Magento shop is also a good option.

Valuable leads who you already know appreciate the advantages of WhatsApp are another result of the integrations via the WhatsApp Business API.

The advantages of our Magento WhatsApp integration

Chatarmin's integrations not only support sales-boosting marketing, but also customer support. Whether you have integrated a WhatsApp chat button on your website and support your customers in real time through employees or would still like to use standardized WhatsApp automation.

Your team will appreciate the functionality and, by using our tools, can focus entirely on increasing your sales and assigning the customer profile to the right advertising measures.

WhatsApp and Magento also prove their performance capabilities via Chatarmin if you offer a ticketing solution for your customers in support. Zapier, Freshdesk, Zendesk or Gorgias are a good choice.

The advantages of integrating WhatsApp and Magento in sales

Purchasing goods via your website involves sending numerous messages to customers. Creating and sending notifications about purchases is an essential service for an online shop.

Automating these notifications to customers with our integration takes you one step closer to achieving your Magento 2 web shop's sales target.

In the future, the tool will send:

  • Order confirmations

  • Updates on changed delivery or payment terms

  • Updates on the progress of orders (packed, shipped, on the way)

  • Updates on delivery and the calculated delivery date

  • Follow-ups on delivery (reviews on your platform, questions about service)

  • Customization options in the customer profile (desired type of notification or preferred social media)

Send customer messages via the open shopping cart

One of the most important tasks of the tool is to create reminder messages about abandoned shopping carts. After all, this is where a lot of sales are buried for you as the owner of the shop.

While Magento 2 will of course send an email to the customer, this does not guarantee that it will be read in time and that your customer will complete his purchase.

The combination of email and WhatsApp has proven itself for many of our customers with a web shop. You too can rely on WhatsApp as a messenger that is already pre-installed on today's devices.

With just one click, your customers will be guided directly to their open purchases and will also have the opportunity to have their questions answered immediately via the chat, which may have previously prevented them from completing the purchase.

Synchronizing contact data for improved conversion

After successfully integrating WhatsApp Business and your Magento 2 shop, WhatsApp offers your customers a wide range of opportunities to get in touch with you.

Offering a chat function on all pages in the shop directly with the service for inquiries is just one of the possibilities that WhatsApp offers you as a messenger.

If there are no agents available to answer questions from the contact, it is possible to create automated texts to relieve the customer service and, in any case, to use the WhatsApp chat to retrieve the contact data and store it for later use.

Our integration of Messenger and Magento 2 ensures that data is synchronized and that questions are answered. Your team can always track where the customer's data comes from and what sales they have already made with you.

Using chats to generate leads is the first step to successfully marketing on WhatsApp.

Instructions for Magento WhatsApp integration with Chatarmin

Navigate to the Magento integration in Chatarmin.

There you will be asked to enter the following fields:

  • Shop Url
  • API Key

Now you can look at the use cases below and see what is possible with our Magento WhatsApp integration!

Use cases after the successful integration of Magento and WhatsApp

The customization of WhatsApp and Magento by Chatarmin is done and now opens up flexibility for your team in applying and addressing customers.

A first step is to note everything about the customer in the account. Automatic synchronization supports you in this and allows you to segment later according to your own criteria.

The next step is to offer WhatsApp as a future communication channel to your regular customers as well. In many shop and CRM systems, customer data is buried, which can be reactivated via WhatsApp. Chatarmin ensures the necessary integration together with your WhatsApp Business API to achieve a smooth interaction.

Shipping confirmation via WhatsApp

You can now embed our widget in your Magento shop so that customers can sign up for a shipping confirmation after the payment process!

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WhatsApp sales tracking

With the integration to Magento, Chatarmin is able to track the WhatsApp generated sales. These are then displayed individually for each flow and campaign, but also on the dashboard in a collective overview.

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New Flow Triggers

After the successful installation, you will also find new “triggers” in Chatarmin Flows:

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This means that you can now trigger the following events and flows:

  • Abandoned shopping carts
  • Shipping confirmation
  • New order

But more about that below!

Real-time customer support

No matter what type of customer service you choose, Chatarmin is at your side to help you find solutions so that no contact is lost.

The WhatsApp Business API allows for many integrations on your platform. WhatsApp messages and WhatsApp chats for direct contact with your customers are among the most used applications.

Your customers feel fully supported and are happy to give you their phone number and allow you to contact them in the future via the popular app. It's up to you how and where in Magento 2 you want to integrate your contact options for support.

We at Chatarmin can advise you on this, because our different customers also use different solutions for this.

E-mails and WhatsApp messages in combination

WhatsApp Business is not intended to completely replace e-mails as a proven means of communication. Customers and fans of online shopping sites on the web are still used to being contacted by e-mail.

Integrating WhatsApp as an additional channel on your platform is a service that users of the popular app will appreciate. There are certainly customers who still like to receive advertising in their inbox, but would like to read order confirmations or updates in the app.

The result is increased customer satisfaction and, above all, regularly returning customers with higher purchase amounts.

How online shops can benefit from Magento and WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp has become an integral part of your customers' lives. Hardly an hour of the day goes by without them taking a look at the popular messenger.

So it's only logical to use this channel for customer communication in online retail as well. The advantage of the high opening rate and the ability to respond quickly is obvious.

WhatsApp and Magento work together to support you in:

  • improving your customer support and thus customer satisfaction

  • automating messages related to the purchasing process

  • targeted marketing

Generating new leads with WhatsApp

Chatarmin makes lead generation a breeze with Magento 2 and WhatsApp, in conjunction with other integrations and your marketing measures.

Hardly any customer will leave your platform without having given their name and phone number. Automated texts in WhatsApp customer support ensure this.

Your advertising department can later segment this exact target group from the synchronized data sets and bring them back to your platform with tailored offers. Your Magento 2 shop solution together with WhatsApp then ensures an automated process throughout the entire sales process.

Who is Magento and what can it do?

Magento is part of Adobe Inc. and has established itself internationally as a solution for online retailers. The open-source solution can now be found on over 250,000 platforms of companies of different sizes.

Magento is characterized by its flexibility. The tool can be customized to your exact needs as a company and provides a new extension at regular intervals.

Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce

While Magento Open Source is preferred by smaller companies and start-ups, Magento Commerce, with its additional tools, is ideal for companies that want to grow their sales quickly.

Magento Open Source was formerly known as Magento Community Edition and still scores points today with its manageable costs for you as a customer.

Magento 2 is the latest version. It ensures the necessary compatibility with messenger services such as WhatsApp or integrations for smooth support and uninterrupted sales. Everything related to messages and processes concerning orders and the up-to-dateness of contact data is automated.

Check out our other WhatsApp integrations:

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