Integrationen / Zapier

WhatsApp Zapier Integration: Your Guide

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☝️ The most important facts in brief

  • Zapier is a web service for automating actions between different apps.
  • For this purpose, a Zap is created, which is personalized and sent automatically, allowing messages to be sent to customers quickly and easily.
  • If Zapier is also connected to Google Sheets, data can be easily and automatically entered into spreadsheets.
  • Zapier and WhatsApp will become your mainstays for customer engagement, order notifications, and other tasks that previously tied up your company's time.

What is Zapier and what does it do?

Zapier's powerful software automates recurring tasks between different applications, such as WhatsApp and your shop program or CRM.

A constantly growing range of apps and other services makes it possible to structure your workflows with just a few commands in predefined task fields, thus saving resources in the long term. Time is a valuable commodity and with Zapier you can, among other things, relieve your support staff by automatically answering frequently asked questions.

The integration ensures direct communication with customers for special requests and thus improves the satisfaction of contacts who come to your shop for the first time and cannot find their goods or want advice.

What is a Zap?

A Zap, in the plural form Zaps, is the automated, pre-programmed sequence of a task between two interacting services, both of which are integrated into Zapier.

This could be sending order notifications, for example, or updates to your terms of delivery or support with questions about payment options. Zaps can perform one-time tasks, be set up for different customers or even on multiple levels, and thus take care of the entire sales process, with all the necessary messages to the contacts.

Automating recurring tasks and messages via Zapier with WhatsApp

Constantly repeating tasks, such as sending reminders for abandoned purchases, payment confirmations or reminders, cost a lot of time for your accounting and support staff.

Zapier's connection with its integrated applications and WhatsApp lets you send a message in a timely manner, and your employees can take on creative, new tasks or devote themselves to customer retention through direct contact via chat.

How can Zapier help me automate workflows?

Zapier is easy to use once all integrations are complete and templates have been created for all tasks. Errors are virtually eliminated and the customer feels well looked after despite sending a ready-made template to them.

We at Chatarmin would be happy to discuss the details of the savings that this tool can achieve for your company and your needs in a personal meeting. Thanks to our own platform, your workflow will noticeably improve when you let our integration of Zapier and WhatsApp take care of sending WhatsApp message templates.

The Zapier with WhatsApp integration simply explained

In a nutshell, Zapier is not connected directly to WhatsApp, but controlled via our platform Chatarmin. Your WhatsApp number is already stored there and after the complete integration it can be accessed immediately via a defined zap for WhatsApp messages.

Your central work interface is Chatarmin and all automations that may result from Zapier and WhatsApp are operated from there.

Prerequisites for the integration of Zapier and WhatsApp

In addition to the technical requirements and the existence of accounts at Zapier, WhatsApp and Chatarmin as a connecting element, you should already be thinking about the following preparations in your company:

  • Which tasks can be automated?

Which answers to customers should be triggered automatically by which incoming questions? Define specific WhatsApp message templates for your leads.

Which applications should be able to send automatic WhatsApp messages?

Zapier allows for many triggers of specific WhatsApp messages. Whether it's a support tool or CRM, your shop system or your company's presence on social media. Don't forget that Instagram, Facebook and Telegram can also bring leads, which can be greeted via Zap, for example.

Which Zap can check the seamless functioning of your Zapier and WhatsApp integration?

Whether this Zap should initiate communication with a new lead or check a Zapier integration from the many possibilities of connection, for example from Shopify, is up to you and your needs. In any case, keep in mind that the triggers can be located in another app.

Zapier can save you time and improve your workflow once you've got all the possibilities for it in use. However, it can take time to set up all the variants of message templates and triggers, and truly complex workflows can be quite tedious to map using multi-step zaps.

This variety of functions supports the Zapier integration of WhatsApp

Order and purchase notifications

With this solution, you can send messages directly to the customer's WhatsApp account, listing the current status of their order and also providing updates on goods that have come back into stock that the customer has shown an interest in.

Send payments via WhatsApp from Zapier

Today, customers are offered many different payment options. The registered receipt of payment can trigger the automatic sending of a payment confirmation via Zapier and, of course, the messages about the shipment of the ordered goods.

Support tickets and assignment to employees in WhatsApp live chat

Time is of the essence when it comes to successfully retaining customers. Zapier's ticketing system can be used to shorten response times for important communication with customers. In addition, Zapier can ensure that the person in the WhatsApp chat who is also able to access all the necessary information to answer the customer's questions is reached.

Register contacts and transfer them to spreadsheets or CRM systems

New contacts can be generated via WhatsApp as a communication channel. All the information collected from this can be transferred directly to spreadsheets or CRM systems using zaps, and the new contact can be processed immediately using this tool.

Request ratings from customers via messages in WhatsApp

Positive ratings, feedback and reviews help to introduce new support tools online and offline or as applications for internal evaluations of customer requests, ultimately increasing customer loyalty.

What other integrations result from Zapier and WhatsApp?

Zapier offers interfaces to a variety of apps and applications. Thanks to this breadth, Zapier is often used as a basis for automating and creating a WhatsApp message template. Of course, Zapier allows for even more applications thanks to its connection options. Even incoming e-mails can be taken over by Zapier and integrated into the automated processes.

We will summarize below which services are available and which topics you can use them to cover in order to improve your workflow.

Zapier and CRM

A Zap can be triggered by your CRM if you want to automatically send birthday greetings with a corresponding item as an offer to increase customer loyalty. The following CRMs can trigger an email to your customer in addition to WhatsApp messages:

  • Pipedrive

  • Omnisend

  • Salesforce

  • Klavlyo

  • Emarsys

Zapier and E-Commerce or Shop Systems

Details about abandoned shopping carts can be found first in your shop system, such as Shopify. By connecting Zapier and WhatsApp, you can use the shop as a trigger to remind your prospects of their abandoned order.

The large number of e-commerce connections can be impressively summarized in this short list, because it includes all the desired orders of magnitude:

  • Shopify

  • WooCommerce

  • Shopware

  • JTL

Zapier and support services

In addition to taking care of the individual steps from ordering to shipping your items, automations with Zapier save a large amount of your time in support. Many customer inquiries can be quickly answered via a Zap-triggered message. Information on frequently asked questions is easily sent through the app and automation.

Marketing and support can be found in these Zapier connection options:

  • Freshdesk

  • Gorglas

  • Zendesk

Processes and information can be exchanged and triggered through links to accounting programs and merchandise management systems. Zapier is currently said to be able to provide connections to 6,000 apps from around the world. All products from giants like Alphabet or Meta are included. Calendars can trigger a Zap and if fitness is your thing, a Zap can even remind you to exercise regularly.

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