Blog / ChatWerk alternative: Chatarmin in comparison with ChatWerk

ChatWerk alternative: Chatarmin in comparison with ChatWerk

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By Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: October 12, 2024

WhatsApp Market Comparison

โ˜๏ธ The most important facts in brief

  • ChatWerk is a Nuremberg-based B2B SaaS startup specializing in multi-messenger solutions, but we believe Chatarmin is the better choice for eCommerce companies and professional CRM teams.
  • Unlike ChatWerk, Chatarmin offers a transparent pricing structure without additional costs per conversation and includes features like a WhatsApp flow builder and custom automations.
  • Chatarmin integrates seamlessly with key platforms such as Shopify, Shopware, Klaviyo, Emarsys, and offers flexible contract terms without cancellation periods.
  • While ChatWerk becomes expensive quickly and does not offer native integration with many systems, Chatarmin guarantees full flexibility and transparent, fair pricing, making it ideal for eCommerce businesses.

ChatWerk is a Nuremberg-based B2B SaaS startup that specializes in the development of multi-messenger solutions and CRM products. ChatWerk is one of the most popular multi-messenger solutions from the German-speaking world and consists of a team of nine people as of spring 2024 according to the official LinkedIn profile. In this blog post, we explain why we consider ChatWerk to be a solid solution for SMEs, but why we cannot recommend it as a solution for eCommerce companies or professional CRM teams.

ChatWerk sees itself as a "solution for SMEs" and already serves "hundreds of customers" according to its website.

ChatWerk is owned by "Inbox Solutions GmbH", a limited company that has been in existence since 2008 and was dormant for around ten years until the decision was made in 2020 "together with Mรผller Medien" to make the development of multi-messenger solutions the company's purpose.

ChatWerk is therefore not a WhatsApp marketing tool per se. The WhatsApp Business Platform was only (re)launched in 2022 in the sense that reasonable, GDPR-compliant WhatsApp marketing is possible at all. A WhatsApp focus at ChatWerk is therefore inconceivable due to the company's history alone.

Nevertheless, there are times when we at Chatarmin have to "pitch against ChatWerk" or emphasize the differences between ChatWerk and Chatarmin.

In this blog post, you will find out why Chatarmin is the best ChatWerk alternative for eCommerce companies and companies with professional CRM structures.

We now provide you with "ChatWerk Alternative":

  • an overview of ChatWerk vs. Chatarmin
  • Functions of ChatWerk and the ChatWerk alternative Chatarmin
  • A market overview of all multi-messenger tools
  • Prices and price differences to the ChatWerk alternative Chatarmin
  • A recommendation to you and how you can make the best decision for you

Let's go!

ChatWerk Alternative Chatarmin: An overview

A brief overview of ChatWerk and the ChatWerk alternative Chatarmin:

Year founded20092022
Company headquartersNurembergVienna
Number of employees93
Investment amountโ‚ฌ??โŒ

Now let's move on to the more relevant topics so you can make your ideal decision about your WhatsApp CRM.

ChatWerk alternatives: ChatWerk does not provide these functions

Here you will find an overview of the features of ChatWerk and the number one Chatwerk alternative, Chatarmin:

Min. monthly costsโ‚ฌ69,00+โ‚ฌ82,00+
Additional costs/conversation10%โ‚ฌ0.00
WhatsApp Flowbuilder includedโŒโœ…
Custom WhatsApp Automations includedโŒโœ…
Shared Slack Connect ChannelโŒโœ…
WhatsApp revenue participation costsโ‚ฌ?โŒ
Costs/additional support agentsโ‚ฌ5.00โŒ
Modern and user-friendly UI/UXโŒโœ…
Shopify integrationโŒโœ…โœ…
Shopware IntegrationโŒโœ…โœ…
Klaviyo integrationโŒโŒโœ…
Flexible contract termsโŒโœ…โœ…
No notice periodโŒโœ…โœ…
Flexible system integrationsโŒโœ…โœ…

The fact is, ChatWerk quickly becomes much more expensive, and the pricing and feature landscape is very confusing and difficult to understand compared to the pricing of the ChatWerk alternative Chatarmin.

ChatWerk advertises with its "unified API", which means that ChatWerk cannot be easily (natively) connected to your system infrastructure. ChatWerk Alternative Chatarmin offers integrations for eCommerce, Shopify, Klaviyo, Shopware, Emarsys, zendesk, Gorgias and others.

ChatWerk alternative Chatarmin: cost overview and cost comparison

These costs are likely to be incurred if you want to use the full functions of the ChatWerk alternative Chatarmin from our colleagues in Nuremberg and at the same time need full flexibility in the monthly package, as WhatsApp is a test pilot for you to validate.

Most of our Chatarmin customers want a pilot phase with full functionality. Here you will find the full cost overview with full functionality of ChatWerk and the ChatWerk alternative Chatarmin:

Min. monthly costsโ‚ฌ85,00+โ‚ฌ82,00+
Additional costs/conversation10%โ‚ฌ0.00
WhatsApp campaignsโ‚ฌ59.00โ‚ฌ0.00
Employee trainingโ‚ฌ199.00โ‚ฌ0.00
Custom Chatbotโ‚ฌ59.00โ‚ฌ0.00

This leads to a saving of โ‚ฌ320.00 from month one with the ChatWerk alternative Chatarmin, and that's without WhatsApp campaign shipping!

We philosophically disagree with the lack of transparency of ChatWerk's prices, and for this reason alone we prefer a more transparent, fairer ChatWerk alternative, which also guarantees full flexibility with maximum transparency.

Du solltest bei der Wahl deiner Chatwerk-Alternative unbedingt Chatarmin untersuchen.

ChatWerk's prices are not transparent and honestly communicated compared to the Chatwerk alternative Chatarmin.

Sample calculations ChatWerk alternative: This is how much your WhatsApp case costs in comparison

Monthly calculation example ChatWerk alternative, 1: 10,000 active German leads, two WhatsApp marketing campaigns per month. Excluding variable META costs

Monthly fixed costsโ‚ฌ402.00+โ‚ฌ82.00+
Additional costs/conversationโ‚ฌ226.20+โ‚ฌ0.00
additional costs/contactsโ‚ฌ00.00โ‚ฌ150.00
monthly costsโ‚ฌ828.20โ‚ฌ232.00

So you can see that ChatWerk already costs around โ‚ฌ600.00 more than the ChatWerk alternative Chatarmin for a "small case" of 10,000 active German customers and a monthly WhatsApp volume of 20,000 conversations.

This is mainly due to the surcharges on the WhatsApp Business Platform costs that ChatWerk charges its customers. The ChatWerk alternative Chatarmin is the only WhatsApp marketing tool in the world that does not do this.

Would you like to calculate your case or define your exact KPIs? Get in touch with our team for a non-binding WhatsApp strategy discussion, including a calculation of your WhatsApp marketing business case!

Johannes Mansbart

Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder

Customer support problem: ChatWerk alternative Chatarmin integrated with zendesk, Gorgias and Freshdesk

There is another "problem" with ChatWerk: you are dependent on the Nuremberg-based tool on both the marketing and customer support fronts. The ChatWerk alternative Chatarmin cleverly solves this problem with its native integrations with your custom tech stack.

After all, a customer support tool is not necessarily suitable for WhatsApp marketing, just as a WhatsApp marketing tool does not meet the requirements of modern customer support teams. Your team will be unhappy to have to migrate entire system infrastructure or be inflexible when it comes to choosing the right customer support tool for your business.

Market reviews: Customer reviews of the Chatwerk alternative Chatarmin

ChatWerk is generally heavily criticized on software review platforms and is not rated extremely well. Here you can see an overview of ChatWerk's ratings as of spring 2024:

ChatWerk is not rated particularly well on OMR Reviews, a ChatWerk alternative is needed

We compare ChatWerk and its alternative Chatarmin on OMR, this is the ranking:

OMR CriterionChatWerkChatarmin
Customer support9.2010.00
Fulfillment of requirements8.609.70
Simple setup8.909.30

As of: Spring 2024, source: OMR Reviews

ChatWerk customer Mathias writes:

The fact that sending marketing information to established mailing lists costs an additional monthly fee on top of the basic subscription should be communicated more transparently and less hidden. - ChatWerk "Mathias" on OMR Reviews

ChatWerk customer Dani reports:

That you can't save your own templates. Existing templates are not always compatible for contacting the customer again. I would like to save standard texts that we need - ChatWerk customer "Dani" on OMR Reviews

Bonus: Overview ChatWerk Alternative Chatarmin & Co.

Choose your WhatsApp CRM from the following tools, we hope this overview will help you with your selection:

PlatformPrice/MonthSurcharge/ConversationAPISupport CaseMarketing CaseMulti-Messenger
Sinch Engageโ‚ฌ199.00+โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…

Source: Chatarmin_

You should pay attention to this when choosing a tool:

  • Flexibility of contract terms
  • Transparency in pricing
  • Integration of your tech stack

Here you can read more about the tool landscape of the global WhatsApp marketing landscape ChatWerk alternative: Chatarmin in comparison with ChatWerk, and thus get a good overview of every conceivable ChatWerk alternative.

This way you avoid unpleasant surprises, know exactly what you are getting into and can correct any wrong decisions. WhatsApp marketing doesn't work for everyone straight away.

As the number 1 ChatWerk alternative, Chatarmin offers you all the advantages mentioned above, as well as competent and honest advice. Book it now!

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