Blog / Shopify WhatsApp: Chatarmin’s Shopify WhatsApp Integration [UPDATE 2024!]

Shopify WhatsApp: Chatarmin’s Shopify WhatsApp Integration [UPDATE 2024!]

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By Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: June 13, 2024

WhatsApp Strategy

☝️ The most important facts in brief

  • WhatsApp for D2C Brands: Chatarmin enables WhatsApp marketing for smaller D2C brands, contrary to the belief that it's only viable for large brands. The key is having enough resources and capacity to manage and grow the channel effectively.
  • Customer Results: Successful examples include rapid subscriber growth and high engagement rates, as seen with brands like koawach. However, it’s essential to have a focus on online marketing and eCommerce.
  • Setup and Use Cases: Chatarmin’s Shopify WhatsApp integration ensures seamless synchronization and personalization. Recommended for brands with at least 50,000 monthly visits, the setup involves simple steps to integrate and start campaigns.
  • Profitability: Key metrics for WhatsApp marketing include revenue per recipient, return on ad spend, and conversion rates. The integration with Shopify and Klaviyo maximizes these metrics, making it an effective tool for boosting sales.

Jakob Gerzen's (founder of the leading D2C retention marketing agency "More Conversions") statement that "WhatsApp marketing only makes sense for 8-figures and up" is probably more due to the pricing of his investment, hello-charles. Chatarmin's vision of enabling WhatsApp for smaller D2C brands is reflected in the results and outcomes of our clients alone. So for which D2C brands does WhatsApp marketing make sense at all? What do the use cases look like? And how can I make a sensible decision to launch and scale my WhatsApp Shopify game?

WhatsApp Shopify results from our customers: A conclusion

_"At launch, we used the pre-sale of our brand new muesli product category to enrich the pool of our WhatsApp community. Within a few hours we already had 250 new subscribers. For us, this was a complete success. 🚀

This was followed by our first campaign via WhatsApp, which was also a great success. The open rate was around 80% with a CVR of 14%. The best thing, however, was the direct feedback and the exchange with our customers. 💌 🤝"_

koawach started Shopify WhatsApp marketing in mid-2023 and quickly stopped after a successful product launch.

Source: LinkedIn koawach

This statement allows deep insights into the operations of a brand for which WhatsApp marketing did not make sense at their current point in time. "koawach" has a mega strong presence in retail in the DACH region, but has no focus on online marketing and eCommerce. This is one of the exclusion criteria for WhatsApp for D2C brands or general Shopify WhatsApp marketing. WhatsApp for D2C Brands only makes sense if there is a minimum of capacity and money available to play on the channel sufficiently and let it grow. Otherwise, the project is doomed to failure from the start.

So if you make your main sales in retail, wholesale or via Amazon, the question is whether you have enough resources for your Shopify WhatsApp marketing. This is less about sales and more about Kappa.

Another exclusion criterion is that you have other homework to do. WhatsApp marketing is another area for your Shopify store to work on professionally. Maybe your social media, your ads game or your email marketing setup still has so much potential that it doesn't yet make sense to open up an additional communication channel.

You can find out more about the symbiosis of E-Mail and WhatsApp in this Video, where Johannes Mansbart, Chatarmin-founder, provides a full walkthrough of a Shopify WhatsApp setup, in 15 minutes:

Loom Video Thumbnail

Source: Chatarmin, Q2 2024

Conversion in the shop and the "content beat rate" are also often factors why we don't want to offer WhatsApp marketing to smaller Shopify stores yet. For these - as well as other individual and small business owners - we recommend simply mapping a support case via the free "WhatsApp Business App".

For "big" Shopify stores, WhatsApp marketing makes perfect sense. We at Chatarmin only contact brands in outbound sales with at least 50,000 visits in traffic volume per month, which corresponds to a monthly turnover of €75,000.00 with a conversion rate of 3% and an AOV of €50.00. Here, there is usually already a marketing or CRM team or the founding team is so strong that they can start professionally and efficiently with Shopify WhatsApp Marketing.

Für eine D2C Brand mit Shopify & Klaviyo Techstack ist Chatarmin die richtige Lösung

_Source: klosterkitchen

Buch dir jederzeit hier dein WhatsApp Sparring mit mir, Johannes Mansbart, Chatarmin Gründer und Geschäftsführer:

Johannes Mansbart

Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder

What is Shopify WhatsApp Marketing for D2C Brands?

We attach great importance to the tech stack of our customers. Only a "clean integration" with the shop system and CRM of the D2C brand ensures sufficient segmentation and personalisation so that you can make the most of your Shopify WhatsApp marketing.

Chatarmin does this through our unique Shopify WhatsApp integration. This ensures that you can segment your customer cohorts by recency, interval and AOV as well as CLTV and send out hyper-personalised content. You can also manage segmentation based on products purchased by getting your Shopify product catalogue live from Chatarmin and segmenting based on users' buying behaviour in interaction with their favourite products.

"Shopify WhatsApp" is therefore not just a search engine optimization term for us, but a game all its own, perfectly harmonised by Chatarmin - together with its Klaviyo WhatsApp integration - to give you all the professionalism of WhatsApp marketing for D2C brands.

Shopify's API differs significantly from other shop systems, but there is also enough to do here to enable WhatsApp for D2C Brands with Shopify and Klaviyo Techstack. Hence, we at Chatarmin have focused only on this.

In principle, WhatsApp marketing for D2C brands is like email marketing in terms of workflow. You build a list of different lead gen sources, automate their journeys, and then target them with campaigns, ideally segmented and personalised.

Chatarmin is the leading WhatsApp marketing tool for D2C brands with Shopify & Klaviyo tech stack.

WhatsApp for D2C Brands: how the setup works

In our blogpost "WhatsApp for E-commerce", we go into a detailed step-by-step guide on how to enable WhatsApp for your D2C Brand with Shopify and Klaviyo Techstack in five easy steps.

Here's how to set up your Shopify & Klaviyo WhatsApp Integration with Chatarmin:

  1. Sign up for your Chatarmin "Smarter" membership for €199.00 per month.
  2. Get tech and strategy onboarded by our team in a 30 minute call
  3. Copy&Paste your Shopify API Key into Chatarmin
  4. Copy&Paste your Klaviyo API key into Chatarmin
  5. Import existing customer lists with double opt-in or activate them initially
  6. Start your lead gen via WhatsApp Ads or other traffic sources like your mobile popup, abandoned cart or postpurchase automations

Through these seven simple steps, we at Chatarmin enable WhatsApp for D2C Brands. It doesn't get any simpler than this.

Facts and Figures: Here's how much you'll earn with Shopify WhatsApp marketing for your D2C Brand.

In principle, we recommend the following WhatsApp marketing KPI's to our clients:

  • RPR: Minimum revenue per recipient (€1.50-2.50).
  • ROCS/ROWAS: minimum return on campaign spend (8,000%-10,000%)
  • CTR: Minimum click-through rate (15-20%)
  • Mindest-Öffnungsrate (85-95%)
  • Mindest-Opt-out-Rate (0,3-0,6%)

So you can work out how much revenue WhatsApp can enable for D2C Brands. Lovebrands like waterdrop® or BEARS WITH BENEFITS do manage RPR's of €5.00 or €10.00. But these are usually campaigns to highly segmented high-CLTV cohorts or extremely important offers, like during Black Week for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Watch this video for a full 8min WhatsApp marketing deep-dive:

Loom Video Thumbnail

Source: Chatarmin, Q2 2024

Calculate your case: This is how much WhatsApp marketing brings to your D2C Brand

To calculate your case, you only need the following metrics:

  • The number of new customers you have each month.
  • The number of mobile numbers in your existing database.
  • **AOV
  • **Campaign count: How often do you send out a WhatsApp campaign?

Here's how to work out your WhatsApp marketing case for your D2C brand. This is how much additional revenue WhatsApp marketing brings for D2C brands:

((Number of existing customer mobile numbers)+(Number of monthly new customers*0.25)+(Number of abandoned carts*0.25)*Number of monthly campaigns*RPR) = Monthly Shopify WhatsApp revenue

To calculate your profitability you should subtract your margin and the cost for the WhatsApp Business API.

Diligence: If you want, you can send out your Shopify WhatsApp marketing campaigns only to those customers who have not yet bought via email. This is what Duschbrocken does, for example. The guys from Stuttgart save money because they don't have a WhatsApp spent on the customer cohorts that have already converted via email.

Through Chatarmins Klaviyo und Shopify WhatsApp Integration you too can easily manage WhatsApp marketing for your D2C brand with full professionalism and data transparency.

Voila! There you have it, the WhatsApp marketing case for D2C Brands. Find out more about calculating your WhatsApp-case here:

Loom Video Thumbnail

Source: Chatarmin, Q2 2024

Let's work together to build your WhatsApp marketing case for your D2C brand using Shopify and Klaviyo Techstack:

Johannes Mansbart

Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder

Which case is decisive: WhatsApp support, sales and/or marketing? What should it be?

WhatsApp can be used along the entire customer journey.

Bilde Shopify WhatsApp Marketing entlang der gesamten User Journey ab.

Source: Chatarmin

So think about where your pain, where your communication inefficiencies, are the greatest. If it's in customer acquisition, then test WhatsApp Ads. If it's in tracking and unnecessary support tickets, try automating WhatsApp support. If the problem lies in the email opening, click-through and conversion rates, then double or even triple your most important campaigns via WhatsApp marketing campaigns in combination with direct mailings.

WhatsApp for D2C Brands: Your Shopify WhatsApp Marketing Conclusion

It is not possible to make a clear statement when WhatsApp makes sense for D2C brands. Clearly, the quality of your WhatsApp leads suffers if you spend years collecting phone numbers and never play them. People change their mobile numbers or may no longer have a relationship with your D2C brand.

On the other hand, an additional marketing channel always means more work and extra effort. It is important to focus on this, especially in the early growth phases. Opening up too many barrels and construction sites, especially at the start of a D2C brand, is a fatal mistake that we see everywhere.

We only contact Shopify and Klaviyo stores with a minimum annual turnover of €500,000.00. Here, there is usually a great interest in increasing CLTV via WhatsApp, and no longer being dependent on current marketing channels alone.

Through the above calculation, we hope that you can quantify and assess Shopfiy WhatsApp marketing for your D2C brand yourself.

If you need help with this, please feel free to contact me at any time:

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