How cusb accomplished a 25,3x ROI through a single WhatsApp Campaign


ROI on Campaign

> €180K

Revenue generated

16,8 €

RPR on Abandoned Cart Flow

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Written by Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: January 20, 2025


Cusbclo, a German clothing brand with a global customer base, relied on Chatarmin and WhatsApp marketing to generate leads and increase sales. Partnering with us since January, the company achieved amazing results. With a minimal budget, Cusbclo achieved an impressive ROI of 25.3x in a single campaign - a complete success.

Why a new approach was necessary

Cusbclo was faced with an important question: how to reach customers more personally and effectively? Traditional channels such as email and social media had delivered disappointing results - the effort wasn't worth it. Cusbclo therefore decided to test WhatsApp marketing for upcoming product launches. The reason was obvious: WhatsApp offers a direct line to customers. This approach promised individual, more relevant interactions. And that was exactly what Cusbclo needed to achieve new successes and really inspire their target group.


€188,915 turnover - a success to be proud of!

Cusbclo has been a success story since January. With only €11,341 in WhatsApp marketing spend, an impressive €188,915 in revenue was achieved. That means an incredible return on investment of 25.3x - what company doesn't dream of such results?


But how was this achieved? The key lay in targeted campaigns. A single B-Day campaign generated an impressive €42,000. Smaller measures were also effective: for example, the shopping cart abandonment strategy turned €39 spend into almost €6,000 in sales. Other campaigns such as early bird offers also contributed to this measurable success.


The results prove it again - WhatsApp is a marketing force that should not be ignored. Year-to-date, the average return on investment for all campaigns is 16.6x spend. The Cusbclo case is an impressive demonstration of how targeted direct messaging strategies can propel any business forward. What could your company achieve with such opportunities?

The result of a successful strategy

How did a single campaign achieve such outstanding success? By strategically using personalized WhatsApp communication, Cusbclo achieved an impressive ROI of 25.3x. An example of how precise marketing can revolutionize customer loyalty and revenue.

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