Blog / Pipedrive WhatsApp Integration

Pipedrive WhatsApp Integration

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By Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: June 13, 2024

WhatsApp Strategy

☝️ The most important facts in brief

  • Pipedrive WhatsApp Integration: Chatarmin offers the first comprehensive Pipedrive-WhatsApp integration, enhancing sales processes by addressing inefficiencies in traditional communication channels. WhatsApp’s immediacy helps ensure messages are seen, read, and responded to quickly.
  • Integration Benefits: The integration syncs all sales activities with Pipedrive, ensuring it remains the "source of truth." This leads to more efficient sales processes, reducing no-shows and increasing engagement.
  • Costs and Features: Chatarmin’s integration is part of the “Smarter” package, costing €199 per month. Unlike other tools, it does not charge extra for additional sales staff or WhatsApp Business Platform conversation costs.
  • Use Cases and GDPR Compliance: The integration supports lead synchronization, documentation, and compliance with GDPR. This allows businesses to scale their WhatsApp sales efforts while maintaining data privacy and comprehensive record-keeping.

Email is the most used communication channel in sales. But who hasn't experienced it? You send a lead your pitch deck. And nothing comes back. You send a follow-up email after the discovery. And receive no reply. After the verbal confirmation, you create the deal and send your offer. You never receive a reply.

The problem with sales processes is not that there are no good sales processes or CRM solutions. The problem with most sales processes is that current communication channels are inefficient, ineffective and slow. Emails are not opened and answered late. That can't happen with WhatsApp.

Differences between email marketing and WhatsApp marketing

Comparison between email and WhatsApp, source: Chatarmin

Chatarmin is the first WhatsApp marketing software in the world to offer full Pipedrive-WhatsApp integration. So that your leads answer you. So that you don't suffer no-shows. So that your offer is seen, read and clicked. To make your sales more efficient and effective. So that you make more sales.

In this blog post, we'll show you how you can communicate with your (potential) customers via WhatsApp. And how Pipedrive remains your "source of truth" and sales CRM at the same time.

  • Market comparison: Chatarmin offers the world's only WhatsApp-Pipedrive integration
  • Costs: Chatarmin's costs for your Pipedrive-WhatsApp integration
  • Use cases: Synchronization, documentation and attribution through traceable and analyzable customer communication via WhatsApp
  • GDPR compliance of Chatarmin's WhatsApp-Pipedrive integration

WhatsApp Sales for Pipedrive WhatsApp integration, powered by Chatarmin.

Source: Pipedrive

Pipedrive WhatsApp integration powered by Chatarmin. Sales via WhatsApp. Source: Pipedrive_

Chatarmin's customers choose our Pipedrive WhatsApp integration for these three reasons:

  • Clear and simple solution to a relevant problem
  • Sympathy and trust in our team of WhatsApp experts
  • Fair cost conditions and a calculable budget
  • 100% synchronization of the company's sales activities with Pipedrive as your sales CRM

Let's discuss these points about Chatarmin's Pipedrive-WhatsApp integration together.

TIP: If you have any questions about the general functionality of a WhatsApp CRM, we can recommend this video:

Loom Video Thumbnail

Source: Chatarmin Youtube

Costs: This is how much Chatarmin's WhatsApp Pipedrive integration costs

Chatarmin's WhatsApp Pipedrive integration is included in the Chatarmin "Smarter" package. This means that you can use everything you read in this blog at the following conditions:

  • €1,500.00 initial setup fee
  • €199.00 monthly fixed costs
  • €20.00/1,000 contacts/month (single optins & double optins)
  • excluding monthly WhatsApp Business Platform costs
  • €25.00 flat-rate cost price
  • Costs according to the official META WhatsApp Business cost catalog

Here you can create your own WhatsApp financial plan to calculate your budget:

Calculate your WhatsApp business case with Chatarmin WhatsApp Marketing Tool.

Source: Chatarmin

IMPORTANT: The cost difference to other WhatsApp marketing tools is that Chatarmin does not charge any surcharges on the conversational costs of the WhatsApp business platform, and does not charge any additional costs for additional sales staff.

Use cases of the Chatarmin Pipedrive WhatsApp integration

Pipedrive is usually used to

  • Create, synchronize or import leads in the database
  • Target leads and convert them into deals as soon as the potential customer signals an interest in buying
  • Drive deals in the sales funnel
  • Close deals ("won") or lose them ("lost")

The usual communication channels used are email, SMS & phone calls, as well as social media platforms such as LinkedIn & Co. These have the problem of a lack of personal contact and the absence of data analysis and documentation.

WhatsApp is also used, but companies that do not use GDPR-compliant WhatsApp are threatened with fines. The only way to scale structural sales in a meaningful way is Chatarmin's WhatsApp-Pipedrive integration.

"WhatsApp has hardly been used in sales to date because it was not compatible with compliance guidelines. We solve this problem. Companies can now authorize their sales force to use WhatsApp. And without losing valuable information, customer databases, data, transparency and documentation options in structural sales, as has been the case to date." - Johannes Mansbart, Chatarmin founder

Let our WhatsApp experts advise you on our Pipedrive WhatsApp integration here:

Johannes Mansbart

Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder

Source: Chatarmin

WhatsApp synchronization of your Pipedrive lead database

Who hasn't experienced it? The problem of dealing with non-synchronized notes, tables and lists from Excel or Word without synchronizing them with your CRM. This not only creates data and communication chaos for the sales employee, but also for managers and team leads.

Yet every sales pipeline looks the same:

  1. a lead is created (via CSV import, synchronization or manual creation)
  2. the lead becomes a deal
  3. the pipeline is divided into the respective deal stages such as "discovery", "demo", "proposal", "won" or "lost"

The goal must be that this deal status is always synchronized decentrally between Pipedrive and other communication channels.

Here you can see how you can easily adapt the "deal stage" of your deal on the phone in a mobile-optimized way manually (or through individual WhatsApp automations) in Chatarmin's WhatsApp-Pipedrive integration:

Pipedrive WhatsApp integration lead synchronization by Chatarmin.

Source: Chatarmin

Here you can see how the deal stage updates after the edits in the Chatarmin profile:

Pipedrive WhatsApp Integration by Chatarmin WhatsApp Software.

Source: Chatarmin

The goal is that both manual workflows such as

  • Update deal stage
  • Add participants to the lead or deal
  • Enrich WhatsApp actions in the lead or deal

synchronize between Chatarmin and our Pipedrive-WhatsApp integration, but also automated workflows like:

  • Offer sending
  • Offer acceptance
  • Mass mailing campaigns with other Pipedrive integrations and apps
  • Other webhooks from the Pipedrive API

communicate live between Chatarmin and Pipedrive in such a way that there is always complete congruence in the lead and deal profiles and activities at 1-15 minute intervals.

Synchronizing lead and deal activity

One of Pipedrive's goals is to synchronize and document all touchpoints with leads and deals. This can be done automatically via GMail integration, for example. However, sales reps often have to enter touchpoints manually as these cannot be synchronized automatically.

This is the case with SMS, LinkedIn messages or even transcripts of calls or video conferences. Laborious manual processes are not scalable, cannot be analyzed properly and cannot be easily standardized for the entire team.

The WhatsApp Pipedrive integration automatically synchronizes the WhatsApp communication of your sales employees with the specific individual leads or deals.

  • Send your WhatsApp message to the lead or deal
  • Find every WhatsApp chat (24-hour time window) as a "WhatsApp action" in the lead or deal documentation

This allows you to scale your structural sales without worrying about ignoring valuable WhatsApp touchpoints. Your company can also use WhatsApp in compliance with GDPR. You have centralized power over all data and analytics, and your sales reps can interact with their leads and deals in a decentralized way and manage them as personally as possible.

"Chatarmin's Pipedrive-WhatsApp integration is an absolute game changer for large companies with structured sales due to compliance alone." - Bert Heiner, founder and CEO of the digital agency "Allroundig"

You can also automatically synchronize the lead and deal status between Pipedrive and Chatarmin so that both systems interact and update with each other without creating a one-way street and scaleability bottlenecks.

Synchronize your lead stage automatically from WhatsApp mobile-optimized

Source: Chatarmin

Synchronizing the deal status

A sales funnel usually has several "deal stages", i.e. status quos of the deals in the pipeline of your sales organization.

Deal status synchronization of Chatarmin's Pipedrive-WhatsApp integration

Source: Chatarmin

Depending on which "deal stages" you have configured in your Pipedrive, you can synchronize them directly with your Chatarmin WhatsApp CRM.

These deal stages are usually, depending on the length and complexity of your funnel, these:

  • Discovery
  • demo
  • Workshop/Demo
  • Budget and timeline meeting
  • Proposal submission
  • Offer acceptance ("Deal won") or rejection ("Deal lost")

We'll give you an example of how to synchronize the status of your deal between Pipedrive and Chatarmin's Pipedrive-WhatsApp integration:

Deal is escalated from "Discovery" to "Proposal":

Pipedrive WhatsApp integration for automated synchronization of your deal stage

Source: Chatarmin

**In Chatarmin, the segment and/or tag of the deal will change from "Discovery" to "Proposal":

Once you adapt your lead in Chatarmin-WhatsApp-CRM, it will also change in Pipedrive.

Source: Chatarmin

The documentation is retained, but the tag is overwritten and/or replaced with "Ex-Discovery". As a best practice, we recommend dynamic segments in Chatarmin here, as tagging can become "messy". However, both are possible and we will be happy to advise you on implementation:

Johannes Mansbart

Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder

Synchronize the WhatsApp communication of your sales team

If you introduce WhatsApp as a scalable and GDPR-compliant communication channel throughout your sales organization, you will not only want to document deal stages and activities. No, you will also want the correspondence between your sales employees and customers to be recorded and documented for analysis.

This is what a chat between your sales representative and a deal can look like:

Chatarmin's Pipedrive WhatsApp integration enables sales teams to chat with leads and deals in a decentralized way.

Source: Chatarmin

The following field is then automatically added in Pipedrive as a "WhatsApp action" in the deal

Synchronize Pipedrive tags with Chatarmin tags through the Pipedrive-WhatsApp integration.

Source: Chatarmin

BONUS: GDPR compliance of Chatarmin's WhatsApp-Pipedrive integration

Chatarmin gives companies the opportunity to use GDPR-compliant WhatsApp.

Businesses using WhatsApp need to ensure they are GDPR compliant to protect their customers' personal data. Whether you use the WhatsApp Business app or the WhatsApp Business Platform (formerly: API), you should ensure that you obtain appropriate consent, handle data responsibly and provide easy ways to opt-out.

It is important that companies understand their obligations under the GDPR and work to maintain compliance on WhatsApp.

By doing so, you can build trust with your customers, protect their personal data and uphold privacy principles in the digital age.

Discussing if the WhatsApp Business API is GDPR-compliant or not

Chatarmin enables you to use WhatsApp in a GDPR-compliant way.

But remember, this article provides insights into GDPR compliance on WhatsApp, but is not a substitute for legal advice. For full information on your legal obligations under the GDPR, you should consult the official GDPR website of the European Commission.

Find out more about GDPR-compliant WhatsApp use as a business.

BONUS: Market comparison: Pipedrive WhatsApp alternatives

As a B2B software buyer, you want to compare several providers for WhatsApp marketing software. Did you know that apart from Chatarmin, no other WhatsApp software in the world offers a Pipedrive-WhatsApp integration? This means:

  • Seamless connection between Pipedrive and WhatsApp for effortless communication.
  • Automated updates to your Pipedrive contacts directly via WhatsApp.
  • Efficient management of sales opportunities and customer interactions without the hassle of back-and-forth between platforms.
  • No use of error-prone and limited "plug & play" solutions such as "Zapier"

Book your WhatsApp Pipedrive consultation with our team:

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