No manual work needed. All automated with Flows.

Build the ultimate customer journey. Smart automation sends targeted messages that respond to customer data and real-time behavior.



All possible triggers

Chatarmin Triggers

Chatarmin Triggers

Make use of our popular triggers like Buzzwords, Specific Date, API Call and more

Triggers through Integrations

Triggers through Integrations

For every Integration Chatarmin offers, we have also created triggers you can use for flows

Connect with Zapier & Make

Connect with Zapier & Make

Now with Zapier & Make you are able to trigger a Flow for any scenario you can imagine

Flow Templates

50+ Pre-Built Templates



Automatically ask customers how their shopping experience went. Recommend additional products they’ll like, and see if they’ll leave you a good review.

Abandoned cart

Abandoned cart

Send subscribers a heads-up when they leave a product in their shopping cart, so they can swing by and finish checking out (and boost your bottom line).

Welcome Newsletter

Welcome Newsletter

Welcome new subscribers to your list with an engaging WhatsApp flow, reward them for signing up, and help them get to know your brand better.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Surprise your customers with a nice Birthday Gift. Send a discount, exclusive product recommendation or ask if they want to get a surprise product!

Back in Stock

Back in Stock

Alert subscribers when an item they’ve been waiting for is finally back in stock.

Ask for a review

Ask for a review

Gather valuable Feedback and reviews, whenever a conversation or ticket got resolved.

Use over 100+ integrations with Chatarmin

#teamarmin love stories

Trained with your Data

Upload Files, crawl your Website, or use our built-in Knowledge Base to train your AI.

Integrated with your Techstack

Connect your CRM, Shop, or any other tool to leverage ChatArmin AI Actions.

Let AI handle more then questions

Your AI can be for example fetch order details from your CRM or Shop-System and send them to your customers.