Blog / WhatsApp for E-commerce: Integrating WhatsApp with Klaviyo and Shopify: A Step-by-Step Guide

WhatsApp for E-commerce: Integrating WhatsApp with Klaviyo and Shopify: A Step-by-Step Guide

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By Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: June 13, 2024

WhatsApp Strategy

☝ The most important facts in brief

    Check out the strenghts of our WhatsApp Klaviyo Integration

    In today's digital age, effective communication is crucial for the success of any e-commerce business. With the rise of messaging apps, businesses are exploring new ways to engage with their customers. WhatsApp, a popular messaging platform with over 2 billion users worldwide, has emerged as a powerful tool for e-commerce businesses to connect with their customers in a more personalized and convenient way. In this article, we will explore the integration of WhatsApp with two leading e-commerce platforms, Klaviyo and Shopify, and how WhatsApp can enhance your e-commerce strategy.

    Interoperability is key to keeping one source of truth in your customer data panel, whether it be your Email Marketing CRM such as Klaviyo, or specific customer data panels such as, or getklar.

    Chatarmin ist DIE Klaviyo WhatsApp Integration

    Live-View of a Chatarmin Clients' Dashboard, having integrated Klaviyo & Shopify with WhatsApp through Chatarmin

    Adding 100% of your WhatsApp activity to your clients' CRM-profiles is key to efficient segmentation and towards keeping your WhatsApp Business platform spent low and efficient.

    Having both of your main retention marketing channels - email and WhatsApp - as untrackable and non-analyzable "black boxes" that just cannibalize each other, is the worst that can happen to a D2C brand that wants its customers to retain within their sticky product environment.

    Why Integrate your D2C Brands' WhatsApp with Klaviyo and Shopify?

    So why does it make sense to integrate your WhatsApp Marketing with Klaviyo and Shopify? Overall, you want all your systems to transparently interact, communicate and engage with each other. So you can theoretically use each one of Shopify, Klaviyo and Chatarmin as your source of truth and dedicated CDP. A perfect world includes perfect tracking. We try to create a WhatsApp Marketing Environment for your Shopify & Klaviyo brand, that gets as close to that as humanly possible. Let's dive into the more detailed reasons below.

    Improved Customer Engagement

    Watch a full basic Shopify WhatsApp setup built from scratch here by Chatarmin founder Johannes Mansbart:

    Loom Video Thumbnail

    Source: Chatarmin, Q2, 2024

    Integrating WhatsApp with Klaviyo and Shopify allows you to leverage the power of messaging to engage with your customers in a more direct and personalized manner. With WhatsApp, you can send automated messages, updates, and notifications to your customers, keeping them informed about new products, promotions, and order updates. This real-time communication helps you build stronger relationships with your customers and increases their trust and loyalty towards your brand.

    Triggering your WhatsApp journeys - or flows as we call them at - allows you to trigger specified WhatsApp automations based on Shopify's webhook environment. Imagine triggering your WhatsApp automation with a retargeting offer for all abandoned carts, where the user entered his mobile phone number.

    Furthermore, now imagine adding an "if/else" split to your abandoned cart WhatsApp automation, that lets you filter for Klaviyo properties, segments or lists, thus only engaging the users that have not yet received an abandoned cart automation via WhatsApp in a certain time or date threshold, or have interacted in a specific way. Also, allow us to filter your users for Klaviyo properties whilst building your WhatsApp flow using our native Klaviyo integration, so that you can only target the ones who have not clicked or have not yet converted after abandoning their cart, having already been targeted by your abandoned cart email automation.

    Check this example from one of our clients' abandoned cart-WhatsApp automation:

    build your abandoned cart whatsapp automation with chatarmin


    As you can see in the above screenshot, it is possible to if/else split your flow-users for their WhatsApp optin-status as well as user activity based on previously received WhatsApp abandoned cart campaigns.

    Seamless Shopping Experience

    By integrating WhatsApp with Klaviyo and Shopify, you can provide your customers with a seamless shopping experience. Customers can inquire about products, ask questions, and even make purchases directly through WhatsApp. This eliminates the need for customers to switch between multiple platforms, streamlining the buying process and ultimately increasing conversion rates.

    You will be able to access all your clients' previous Chatarmin, Klaviyo and Shopify activities. Thus, not only are you able to segment your users for specific properties, shopping history and user behaviour, but you will also be able to overview it all at a glance whilst chatting one to one for support use cases.

    Check out Chatarmin's Chat feature, which lets you identify the users' value and recent as well as previous shopping behaviour:

    access all your users previous shopping history in your online shop while letting chatarmin scrape all the historical user data of your clients


    Enhanced Customer Support

    WhatsApp's instant messaging capabilities enable you to provide efficient and personalized customer support. Customers can reach out to your support team directly through WhatsApp, allowing for quick query resolution and faster response times. This level of convenience and accessibility can significantly improve customer satisfaction and retention.

    ”Bot deflection” - which is the percentage of customer tickets solved automatically by your support bot - can reach highs of 80-90%. This way, you can improve your customer support metrics such as “time until ticket solved” or “time until request was answered”. Thus, you can tailor your individualized support bots which improve customer satisfaction and boost your review satisfaction such as Net Promoter Score or ratings on platforms such as Trustpilot or marketplaces in the likes of Amazon, Zalando, or others.

    Check your 30 minute Shopify Klaviyo WhatsApp Marketing Sparring with our team:

    Johannes Mansbart

    Johannes Mansbart

    CEO & Co-Founder

    Integrating WhatsApp with Klaviyo

    Klaviyo, a leading marketing automation platform, offers a seamless integration with WhatsApp, enabling you to leverage the power of both platforms to drive your e-commerce strategy. You can find the best Klaviyo WhatsApp Integrations here.

    Step 1: Set up a WhatsApp Business Account

    To integrate WhatsApp with Klaviyo, you first need to set up a WhatsApp Business Account. This involves registering your business phone number and verifying it with WhatsApp. Once your account is set up, you can start using WhatsApp in conjunction with Klaviyo. The easiest way to create one is through Read more about WhatsApp Business if you struggle with this step.

    Step 2: Connect Klaviyo to WhatsApp

    Next, you need to connect your Klaviyo account to WhatsApp. In chatarmin, navigate to the Integrations section and select Klaviyo. Follow the prompts to connect your WhatsApp Business Account to Klaviyo. Once connected, you can start creating WhatsApp campaigns and automations.

    Step 3: Create WhatsApp Campaigns and Automations

    In, you can create targeted WhatsApp campaigns and automations to engage with your customers at every stage of their journey. Use’s built-in powerful segmentation and personalization features to deliver relevant and timely messages to your customers. For example, you can send abandoned cart reminders, order confirmations, and personalized product recommendations through WhatsApp.

    Set up Klaviyo Events as triggers for flows, and enrich your Klaviyo profiles with 100% of your WhatsApp Marketing activity happening in so 100% of your clients’ activity is stored in its Klaviyo profile, no matter which channel you are engaging him with.

    See here how easy and seamless it is to enter Klaviyo (standard and custom!) events as Flow-triggers in Chatarmin's Flow Builder:

    Create a WhatsApp flow that is triggered by your custom or standard klaviyo event

    Effectively segment and intelligently measure the CLTV of your Klaviyo segments and lists with WhatsApp history.

    Find out the boost can inject into your CLTV, all whilst keeping CAC low through intelligent built-in WhatsApp leadgen.

    Just always make sure you are not cannibalizing Klaviyo and, by setting up if/else splits and conditional logics, that segment your audience so intelligently, that only the right customers receive relevant communication, in the right channel.”

    Step 4: Measure and Optimize provides detailed analytics and reporting on the performance of your WhatsApp campaigns. Monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to understand the effectiveness of your messaging strategy. Use this data to optimize your campaigns and improve your overall e-commerce performance.

    Analyze your WhatsApp performance directly in Chatarmin, having integrated Shopify and Klaviyo with WhatsApp.

    Analyze, A/B-test, track and scale your Shopify Klaviyo WhatsApp Marketing with Chatarmin, Live-Client-Flow-Analytics-Dashboard-View

    Analyze customer cohorts directly in Klaviyo, by filtering for custom properties and profile updates, you set up in’s native flow builder. This way, you can compare your WhatsApp audience with your non-WhatsApp audience, within Klaviyo. Next, make sure you segment properly, in order to send outbound campaigns both via Email as well as WhatsApp. This way, you can make sure that the right messaging reaches the right customer through the right channel.

    You can use both Klaviyo's as well as Chatarmin's analysis tools to dissect your user base into high- low- and mid-value users by segmenting them through their recency and aov purchase history in your D2C online shop.

    Integrating WhatsApp with Shopify

    Shopify, one of the most popular e-commerce platforms, offers a seamless integration with WhatsApp, allowing you to leverage the power of messaging in your Shopify store.

    Step 1: Install the WhatsApp Integration App

    To integrate WhatsApp with Shopify, you need to go to the integrations section in Follow the prompts to connect your WhatsApp Business Account to your Shopify Store. Simply copy and paste your API key and there you go! It takes a mere three seconds to integrate your Shopify store with

    Step 2: Enable Abandon Checkout Retargeting

    Harness the power of our WhatsApp integration tool to retarget abandoned checkouts on Shopify. By sending gentle reminders via WhatsApp messages to customers who've left their shopping carts unattended, you can motivate them to complete their purchase. This direct line of communication not only helps in reducing cart abandonment rates, but also enhances the customer experience by allowing shoppers to conveniently inquire about their pending orders directly through WhatsApp.

    abandoned cart marketing via WhatsApp through Chatarmin.

    Live-Flow-Analytics Abandoned Checkout in Chatarmin, Shopify Klaviyo Abandoned Cart Recovery via WhatsApp Abandoned Checkout Retargeting

    Shopify declares a benchmark of 11% for abandon checkout email flows. Whilst we believe this is way too high of a recovery KPI, WhatsApp abandon checkout campaigns should definitely outperform your Email abandoned cart automations.

    Shopify Abandoned Cart Recovery Metric for Email.

    Double your abandoned cart recovery via WhatsApp Marketing for your Shopify & Klaviyo D2C brand, through Chatarmin. Get Opening Rates of up to 90% and Recovery Rates of up to 20%

    We have already created an abandoned cart WhatsApp flow - triggered by Shopify abandoned cart webhook - above.

    Step 3: Enable WhatsApp Order Notifications

    With the WhatsApp integration app, you can send order notifications directly to your customers' WhatsApp accounts. This keeps them informed about their order status and enhances the overall customer experience. Customers can also reach out to your support team through WhatsApp for any order-related queries.

    Step 4: Leverage WhatsApp for Marketing

    In addition to order notifications, you can use WhatsApp as a marketing channel to promote your products and offers. With the Shopify native integration, you can easily create and send WhatsApp broadcasts, allowing you to reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your Shopify store.

    Leverage WhatsApp's multimedia capabilities to showcase your products through images, videos, and links. Also, send voice messages and embed your product catalogue easily and seamlessly through

    Additional Information: Klaviyo and Shopify Integration in WhatsApp

    With’s Klaviyo and Shopify native integration, you can sync your customer data and purchase history from Shopify to Klaviyo. This enables you to segment your customers based on their behavior and preferences, allowing for more targeted messaging. For example, you can send personalized product recommendations based on a customer's browsing history or previous purchases.

    Chatarmin ist DIE Klaviyo WhatsApp Integration

    Let's create a perfect Shopify-Klaviyo-WhatsApp-Marketing world together. Powered by Chatarmin

    Furthermore, by integrating Klaviyo and WhatsApp with Chatarmin, you can enrich all WhatsApp Marketing activity in your users’ Klaviyo profiles, so it stays your CRM as a - 100% user activity - source of truth. You can track the effectiveness of your WhatsApp campaigns in Klaviyo's analytics dashboard, simply by filtering for the Klaviyo profiles enriched with your WhatsApp activity, made possible through Chatarmin’s native Klaviyo integration. This allows you to measure the impact of your messaging strategy and make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing efforts.

    Conclusion: WhatsApp for e-commerce

    In conclusion, integrating with Klaviyo and Shopify can revolutionize your e-commerce strategy by leveraging the power of the WhatsApp Business API. Increase CLTV by up to 50%, reach RPR's of €5,00 and more.

    Leverage WhatsApp's Marketing KPI's such as an opening rate of over 90% and click through rates of well over 20%.

    Use the power of direct messaging to your advantage., Engage with your customers throughout their entire user journey in a more personalized and convenient way, provide a seamless shopping experience, and enhance your customer support. Take advantage of these integrations to drive your e-commerce business to new heights.

    Remember, successful integration requires careful planning and strategic execution. Evaluate your business needs, set clear goals, and leverage the features and capabilities of WhatsApp, Klaviyo, and Shopify to create a cohesive and impactful e-commerce strategy.

    Book your free WhatsApp sparring now below, just book a slot in our founders' calendar!

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