Blog / The Best Klaviyo WhatsApp Integration: 5 Klaviyo WhatsApp Integrations for Shopify Stores

The Best Klaviyo WhatsApp Integration: 5 Klaviyo WhatsApp Integrations for Shopify Stores

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By Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: June 13, 2024

WhatsApp Market Comparison

☝️ The most important facts in brief

  • WhatsApp Integration Demand: eCommerce brands using Shopify and Klaviyo seek to add WhatsApp as a retention marketing channel due to its high usage in regions like DACH, UK, France, and more, leading to significant CLTV uplift.
  • op 5 Klaviyo WhatsApp Integrations: Chatarmin, Trengo, Narvar, eDesk, and Spoki were analyzed for their capabilities and features in integrating WhatsApp with Klaviyo.
  • Chatarmin's Robust Integration: Chatarmin is recognized as the most robust integration, offering seamless synchronization, advanced segmentation, custom events, and detailed analytics, making it the top choice for D2C brands.
  • Other Integrations: While Trengo offers a solid multi-messenger solution, Narvar and eDesk focus on customer support. Spoki and Endear provide basic WhatsApp integrations but lack the depth and specialization that Chatarmin offers.

The desire for a second retention marketing channel in the communication mix with warm leads and existing customers is strong in the eCommerce scene. WhatsApp is the most installed and most used app ever in regions like the DACH region, but also in the UK, France, the Iberian Peninsula and the Slavic countries. Shopify stores with Klaviyo Email CRM are looking for natural ways to integrate WhatsApp into their customers' customer journeys. A relevant CLTV uplift is the logical consequence.

Hundreds of integrations can be found on the Klaviyo Integrations website. If you focus your search on "WhatsApp", there are only a few more. We have taken a closer look at these and present the five most relevant Klaviyo WhatsApp integrations in this blog post.

Conclusion: What the five Klaviyo WhatsApp integrations can do

If you don't want to read through the detailed analyses yourself, you can find an overview of all Klaviyo WhatsApp integrations here:

VendorWhatsApp Marketing PowerKlaviyo IntegrationMulti MessengerReferencesOverall Score

Chatarmin: The most robust WhatsApp marketing integration for Klaviyo

Chatarmin is named the most robust Klaviyo WhatsApp integration by the Klaviyo Tech Partnerships team. You can find out why in the blog post on our Chatarmin Klaviyo WhatsApp Marketing Integration.

Chatarmin ist DIE Klaviyo WhatsApp Integration

Chatarmin-Client-Screenshot: This is what your Chatarmin Dashboard will look like after integration Klaviyo with WhatsApp through Chatarmin

Here's an overview of what the Chatarmin Klaviyo WhatsApp integration can do:

  • Turn cold leads into Klaviyo leads and ensure 100% transparency in the interaction of your email & WhatsApp marketing channels.
  • Segment your Klaviyo leads in Chatarmin by properties, segments, lists and more.
  • Program If/Else splits in Chatarmin Flowbuilder based on Klaviyo segments, lists, properties and events
  • Trigger Chatarmin WhatsApp Flows using Klaviyo Standard and Custom Events
  • Trigger Chatarmin WhatsApp Flows through Klaviyo In-Flow Webhooks
  • Analyse Klaviyo and non-Klaviyo leads in Chatarmin's analytics

Our product vision is this: Klaviyo is and will always be your #1 retention marketing tool. With the launch of Klaviyo CDP in Q4 2023, Klaviyo underpins this product vision, with which Chatarmin goes hand in hand.

So you continue to analyse your customer cohorts in Klaviyo. We'll make sure you can do that in full Klaviyo Analytics and CDP now with "WhatsApp Optin Leads". Your full Shopify customer history is also viewable and analysable in both Chatarmin and Klaviyo.

Here's how Chatarmin's Klaviyo WhatsApp Integration looks like:

Loom Video Thumbnail

Source: Chatarmin, Q1 2024

This makes Chatarmin the best WhatsApp integration for Klaviyo D2C Brands. This is backed up by testimonials from the Klaviyo Partnership Team as well as the many recommendations we receive from the Klaviyo Success Team worldwide on a weekly basis.

narvar - messages for all moments in your customer journey

Narvar is not a WhatsApp marketing tool per se. Narvar offers WhatsApp as only one of its communication channels. Email and SMS are standard here. Narvar is a returns management tool for Shopify Brands with Klaviyo CRM.

Narvar offers four products:

  • Promise: Promise your customers their fixed delivery date at the time of purchase. According to Narvar, 60% of all shoppers are more likely to choose a retailer who can give them their exact delivery date at the time of order. 45% of all shoppers report that customer satisfaction after delivery depends on whether their items were delivered on time.
  • Track: Let your customers know and check in different ways where their package currently is and when it will arrive.
  • Notify: 40 tailored messages for your customer's entire shopping experience. Automated transaction notifications optional for critical events such as shipment of goods, delivery delays, successful delivery and more.
  • Return&Exchange: Return your parcels to over 200,000 global acceptance points and get your refund or exchange. All renowned shipping partners are included here.

Here you will find a Narvar company presentation.

So Narvar is not a WhatsApp marketing tool, but offers WhatsApp as a possible channel in its returns management tool.

eDesk: eCommerce Customer Support Helpdesk

eDesk is your multichannel customer support suite. eDesk has an active Klaviyo integration and an active WhatsApp integration. That's why we list eDesk here. If you don't know what a Multi Messenger Customer Support Suite looks like, and what makes it different from Chatarmin, read this blogpost.

  • See call summaries, suggested answers PLUS full hands-free answers.
  • Smart inbox: centralise and prioritise all your requests to marketplaces and social networks.
  • See full order history, lifetime value, VIP status and customer sentiment
  • Auto-assign and collaborate for email, live chat, voice, WhatsApp and social networks
  • View, edit and cancel Shopify orders without leaving the eDesk customer view

So if you're looking for a customer support helpdesk software, eDesk will definitely have you covered.

trengo: Klaviyo WhatsApp integration

We have analysed Trengo separately in another of our Chatarmin blogposts and compared it with Chatarmin. The fact is, Trengo is the most serious WhatsApp CRM of all the tools mentioned in this article. It comes closest to Chatarmin, even though we find the marketing features of trengo's WhatsApp integration insufficient for reasons discussed:

  • Send notifications about backorders and price drops to drive conversions
  • Personalised welcome messages and automated loyalty programs
  • Recover abandoned shopping carts with targeted offers
  • Send product-specific instructions after a purchase has been made
  • Catch sentiments and offer a support channel that your customer already uses the most!
  • And much more!

So if you're looking for a multi-messenger customer support suite, you're definitely in good hands with trengo. If you're looking to take D2C Brand's WhatsApp marketing to the next level with Shopify and Klaviyo MarTech Stack, you should take a closer look at Chatarmin's Klaviyo Integration.

spoki: WhatsApp marketing software made in Italy

Klaviyo recommends spoki as one of a few WhatsApp marketing tools. However, the Klaviyo WhatsApp integration of spoki is very limited. Steph Di Lullo, CRM Manager of the Brazilian fashion giant farmrio confirms this in an interview with us.

spoki is insufficient for our purposes. trengo and spoki are extremely limited with their functionalities, we are also dissatisfied with the UI/UX and would lose an extremely large amount of unnecessary time and money in training and scaling our CRM team." - Steph Di Lullo, farmrio CRM Manager

spoki is a WhatsApp tool that advertises with:

  • WhatsApp automations
  • Klaviyo in-flow webhooks as flow triggers.
  • Delays and campaigns in flows

We can't figure out the spoki team. There has already been a video for a year on the possibility of triggering spoki WhatsApp Flows on in-Flow Webhooks from Klaviyo Flows. This is actually pioneering and extremely early. We believe spoki shares its fate with Berlin-based startup hello-charles." Too many integrations, which ensure that work is done more badly than right on many fronts of the WhatsApp marketing business.

The UI/UX of spoki also doesn't look contemporary, as you can see in this screenshot from the spoki app:

The spoki Klaviyo WhatsApp integration unfortunately has a lot of catching up to do in its UI/UX.

Source: spoki Klaviyo integration page

Chatarmin does it differently - we focus heavily on WhatsApp marketing for D2C brands with Klaviyo and Shopify techstack. This way we can be the best in one discipline, and not half-bakedly dance more badly than well at many weddings.

Endear Klaviyo WhatsApp Integration

"Endear" had never come to our attention before our research for this blog post. We were all the more curious to get to know another competitor in the race for the best Klaviyo WhatsApp integration. Our conclusion is sobering. We are not surprised that the Klaviyo partner team does not proactively recommend Endear to its customers.

  • One-click integration: Our out-of-the-box Klaviyo integration requires no technical effort on your part. Once connected, you can sync a client profile's logins and logouts in Endear.
  • Improved support: Collaborate across teams without getting in each other's way. Know when a customer needs a styling consultation or responds to a marketing promotion, and manage your messaging.
  • Smarter selling: View all your customers' data when you communicate with them. View Klaviyo's marketing data to better connect and recommend appropriate products.

Endear claims to be a reputable and serious Klaviyo WhatsApp integration.

Source: Endear Integrations

With a team of just 17 according to LinkedIn, we are left with the honest question of how Endear:

  • Serve retail, wholesale and eCommerce with a serious product.
  • wants to maintain and constantly improve a mobile app
  • with over 20 integrations and five announced integrations, maintain and iterate the current ones
  • with email, SMS and WhatsApp, wants to offer three communication channels on all these application areas in sufficient function

My co-founder and I have over 15 years of combined experience in the software development industry. We think it is unrealistic for Endear to offer a valuable Klaviyo WhatsApp integration. We welcome your input, feedback and insider knowledge!

Conclusion: Chatarmin is and remains the best Klaviyo WhatsApp marketing integration.

When we had already developed Chatarmin's Klaviyo WhatsApp integration to the point that Klaviyo recommends us worldwide, we had no idea about our market players in this "hyperniche" - WhatsApp marketing software for D2C brands with Shopify and Klaviyo Techstack. However, we now know how we managed to build what Klaviyo calls the "most robust and best" WhatsApp marketing integration for businesses using Klaviyo within months. That's all we focus on.

Feel free to book your slot with me, Johannes Mansbart, Chatarmin founder, if you want to chat for 25 minutes about the interaction of email with WhatsApp, or Klaviyo with Chatarmin:

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