Blog / Mailchimp WhatsApp Integration: WhatsApp for Mailchimp is finally here!

Mailchimp WhatsApp Integration: WhatsApp for Mailchimp is finally here!

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By Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: June 13, 2024

WhatsApp Strategy

☝ The most important facts in brief

  • Launch: Chatarmin launches the first-ever Mailchimp-WhatsApp integration, simplifying CRM communication.
  • Features: Automate WhatsApp flows, campaigns, and revenue tracking by integrating Mailchimp with WhatsApp.
  • Setup: Copy Mailchimp API key into Chatarmin and set up WhatsApp automation based on this key.
  • Events: Trigger WhatsApp automations using Mailchimp events like sent, opened, clicked, and unsubscribed.

We at Chatarmin have long struggled to get Mailchimp integrated with WhatsApp - why is that? Mailchimp’s API hosts a lot of legacy, and wasn’t the easiest to integrate with, to say the least. However, we did not want to leave the 14 million global Mailchimp using businesses without the chance to integrate with the world’s most downloaded app and most-used messenger. Proudly and finally presenting: The Mailchimp WhatsApp Integration powered by Chatarmin. Check out our Chatarmin Mailchimp WhatsApp Integration in this article.

Chatarmin defines the world's first WhatsApp for Mailchimp integration

Integrate Mailchimp with WhatsApp through Chatarmin: Have your Email CRM communicate with your WhatsApp CRM

Mailchimp for WhatsApp! Made possible by Chatarmin, bridging the WhatsApp Business Platform with Mailchimp, world’s most renowned Email Marketing Tool.

2 Steps To Integrate Mailchimp with WhatsApp through Chatarmin

Let’s see how you can integrate Mailchimp for WhatsApp through Chatarmin’s Mailchimp WhatsApp Bridge.

Step1: Copy & Paste your Mailchimp API Key into Chatarmin


  1. go to “API Keys” in your Mailchimp Account.
  2. Click “Create Journey”
  3. Name your key in regards to your naming convention, so you can define exactly the use case of each webhook we trigger to bridge the Mailchimp WhatsApp Integration.
  4. Copy Key to Clipboard
  5. Paste your Mailchimp API Key into Chatarmin’s Custom API Webhook Trigger

Triggere deinen Chatarmin Flow via Custom API Endpoint

Trigger WhatsApp Automations through Mailchimp API Flow-Keys through Chatarmin's Mailchimp WhatsApp Integration

And that’s all the magic! Having followed through these steps sets you up to make Email and WhatsApp your CRM power couple, partnering and integrating WhatsApp with Mailchimp through Chatarmin.

Step2: Setup your WhatsApp Automation based on your Mailchimp API Key

Next, simply use Chatarmin’s flow builder to integrate a WhatsApp journey with your audience, based on the recently pasted Mailchimp API key. This is what your Chatarmin WhatsApp Flow will look like:

build a whatsapp chatbot faq through the flow builder

This is how far into WhatsApp CRM the Mailchimp WhatsApp Bridge by Chatarmin drags you

Make sure you keep track of your flow analytics, in order to identify conversion rate dropoffs, and correct automation-inefficiencies in WhatsApp - through Chatarmin’s interactive Flow Builder.

Analyze your WhatsApp performance directly in Chatarmin, having integrated Shopify and Klaviyo with WhatsApp.

Analyze and measure your Mailchimp WhatsApp Flows through Chatarmin and your Shop System such as Woocommerce, Shopify or Shopware

This way you can not only analyze your users’ WhatsApp journeys, measure, and adopt them accordingly. You can also measure the profitability of your WhatsApp users and segment them according to purchase cycles, recency and frequency.

Mailchimp for WhatsApp: Taking full advantage of the Mailchimp API

In order to make full use of your Mailchimp WhatsApp Integration, make sure you’re aware of the Mailchimp API’s full force. Here is what we build for you, so you can retarget your non-engaged community members via WhatsApp, as soon as email does not bring you the value you need anymore.

Working with Mailchimp Webhooks lets us trigger WhatsApp automations with any of the following Mailchimp events in your Mailchimp Email Marketing account. Be aware we will have helped you build your custom WhatsApp Automations a long time ago already when you arrive at this point.

Mailchimp Webhooks trigger your WhatsApp Flows through Chatarmin's WhatsApp Mailchimp integration.

WhatsApp for Mailchimp! Chatarmin delivers what you've been waiting for.

The following events can be fetched by Chatarmin to trigger WhatsApp Automations based on your Mailchimp leads’ activity:

  • Event types: Message event webhooks can be triggered by several types of events:
  • Sent: message has been sent successfully
  • Opened: recipient opened a message; will only occur when open tracking is enabled
  • Clicked: recipient clicked a link in a message; will only occur when click tracking is enabled. Be aware we can also filter if/else for clicked and thus target non-clicked as well
  • Delivered: message has received a response from the recipient’s mail server indicating successful delivery
  • Delayed: message has been sent, but the receiving server has indicated mail is being delivered too quickly and Mailchimp Transactional should temporarily slow down sending
  • Marked as Spam: recipient marked a message as spam, alongside “delayed” and “delivered but not opened or clicked and bounced as well as rejected” this is your invitation to retarget Mailchimp contacts via WhatsApp through Chatarmin
  • Bounced/Soft-bounced: message has hard-bounced
  • Recipient Unsubscribes: recipient has unsubscribed, send him a sunset flow via WhatsApp
  • Rejected: message was rejected

Marketing with WhatsApp: Postpurchase flow with Chatarmin.

Imagine Mailchimp event "customer acted in xx way" to trigger your WhatsApp Automation through Chatarmin. Giving your CRM wings - integrating Mailchimp with WhatsApp!

Imagine WhatsApp being your second-layer backbone to your Retention Marketing Strategy, retargeting non-engaged Email leads via WhatsApp. Harvest more community engagement and extract more longtail retention revenue, adding WhatsApp Marketing to your Mailchimp CRM Strategy through Chatarmin.

Summary: Mailchimp for WhatsApp meets WhatsApp for Mailchimp!

So, we hope we could give you a good picture of how the Mailchimp and WhatsApp Integration works through Chatarmin. We are happy to welcome you aboard of Team Armin! so you can integrate Mailchimp with WhatsApp going further, through us.

Book your 25-minute WhatsApp Mailchimp consultancy below, and have a chat with me, Chatarmin-founder Johannes Mansbart:

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