Blog / Conversational marketing: successful strategies

Conversational marketing: successful strategies

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Last updated at: August 26, 2024

WhatsApp Knowledge

☝️ The most important facts in brief

  • Innovative form of marketing in line with current trends
  • Completely replaces conventional email marketing
  • Platforms and messengers such as WhatsApp (known around the world) are used
  • Chatbots possible for various channels
  • Individual data protection-compliant customer support
  • Create personalized campaigns also via live chat
  • Chatarmin supports you specifically with WhatsApp campaigns
  • increase leads and accelerate the sales process
  • Present your brands and increase your sales
  • Alternative to email marketing

Conversational marketing is an innovative alternative to outdated emails. Especially with messengers like WhatsApp, you achieve a significantly higher opening rate for messages. Conversational marketing gives you the opportunity to build more intensive and personal contact with your customers. Of course, with our help, completely data protection compliant and with virtually unlimited marketing opportunities for your emerging business.

What is Conversational Marketing?

Conversational marketing is a marketing strategy that aims to engage in a personal and dialogue-oriented exchange with potential customers. By addressing the needs and interests of your counterpart, you create a trusting relationship and increase the likelihood of successful customer acquisition.

You can use chatbots, your website for dialogue, social media messages, or live chats to respond individually to questions and offer a tailored solution for more sales. This shows the customer that you are truly interested in their concerns and gives you the opportunity to receive direct feedback.

Why Conversational Marketing is the Future for Your Business

By engaging in direct dialogue with the customer, a personal bond is created that strengthens trust and increases customer satisfaction. You've probably already noticed how much more effective a personalized message is compared to a general advertising message.

Conversational marketing allows companies to address the needs and concerns of their customers, understand them better, and ultimately build long-term relationships. And it's available around the clock. No wonder more and more companies are adopting this type of marketing.

This direct exchange not only creates added value for the customer but also allows you to respond more quickly to feedback and continuously improve your products or services. This creates a win-win situation from which both sides benefit.

Messengers as the Perfect Conversational Marketing Solution

Conversational marketing means that companies engage in direct and personal dialogue with their customers. Instead of just sending advertising messages, real communication is sought. This gives your customers the opportunity to ask questions directly, give feedback, or even order products directly.

By using chatbots, your company can quickly and efficiently respond to inquiries, providing a better customer experience. The goal is to build a long-term relationship with the customers and convince them with personalized content. Never forget to continue optimizing your website. After all, the company website is a success factor, and messenger services enrich your brand with a chat and the like.

The focus is always on communication with customers (via articles, chat, or newsletter).

WhatsApp for Businesses vs. Voice Assistants like Amazon Alexa

Voice assistants like Alexa and Siri are popular, no question. However, they offer only limited access to direct information and lack personal customer engagement. Times are changing.

While emails were the marketing tool of choice 20 years ago, today companies can't avoid innovative strategies. Offer your customers maximum support and service and discover the opportunities of the WhatsApp messenger. We are happy to provide you with comprehensive information on all matters. Contact Chatarmin without obligation and get advice from our professionals.

WhatsApp is the better choice for conversational marketing as the app is used by millions of people worldwide, providing a wide reach.

Additionally, WhatsApp allows direct and uncomplicated communication between your company and your customers in the form of text messages, voice messages, and even video calls.

This enables you to better and more specifically address the needs of your customers and offer individual solutions. Make a name for yourself in your business and organize everything for the best customer satisfaction.

Benefits of Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing offers direct and personal communication with your customers. By using chatbots, individual customer inquiries can be answered quickly and efficiently.

This strategy also allows for continuous interaction with your customers through messaging apps, keeping them informed about news, offers, or other relevant information. This creates a close relationship with the customer - around the clock - which can increase customer loyalty and ultimately sales.

Another important advantage of conversational marketing is the ability to specifically address the needs of your customers. By analyzing chat histories, your company gains insights into which products or services are particularly in demand and which questions or problems frequently arise. All from a single source.

Based on this, you can then develop tailored customer offers and solutions to further increase customer satisfaction. This not only strengthens customer loyalty but also improves your brand image.

Disadvantages of Conversational Marketing

The disadvantages of conversational marketing primarily lie in the limited visibility of messages. Since users tend to open and read private chats faster than advertising messages, it can be difficult to capture the target audience's attention.

There is also the risk that customers may feel harassed by too many advertising messages and perceive your brand negatively. Furthermore, it can be challenging to send personalized messages on a larger scale while maintaining a high quality of interaction with your customers.

Therefore, it is crucial to launch a sophisticated campaign with Chatarmin. Use newsletters, present your services and products, and create innovative marketing campaigns. WhatsApp is ideally suited for this.

Measure your success with the WhatsApp API for businesses and take your business to the next level. Conversational marketing combined with the popular WhatsApp messenger opens up entirely new opportunities to increase your company's market value.

WhatsApp Conversational Marketing Guide

The mere fact that the messenger is widely used offers numerous advantages for conversational marketing. High email open rates, direct and personalized customer contact, and the opportunities of digital communication provide your company with maximum potential.

#1 Commercial Use of WhatsApp – What is Available to You

Basically, you can choose between WhatsApp Business and the WhatsApp Business API. WhatsApp for businesses is more suitable for smaller companies as a direct app on up to five devices simultaneously.

Various tools such as automatic greetings and automatic responses enable you to quickly get started with conversational marketing.

However, the functionality is limited. In contrast, there is the WhatsApp API interface. Not an app, but a kind of programming interface directly between the parent company Meta and a third-party software provider like Chatarmin.

With all conceivable conversational marketing opportunities such as chatbots and access to Chatarmin solutions for smooth operations. We are happy to integrate the complete package as a CRM system for you and ensure smooth newsletter delivery.

#2 Comply with Data Protection

An essential aspect of conversational marketing is the opt-in process, where you proactively obtain the consent of your customers in advance. Conversational marketing with private WhatsApp accounts is strictly prohibited by Meta.

So for commercial use, you need either the WhatsApp Business app for conversational marketing or, better yet, the WhatsApp Business API, which Chatarmin will professionally set up for you and support you in your marketing efforts.

#3 Installing WhatsApp for Business

Simply download the app from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android). After agreeing to the terms of use and verifying your phone number, you will receive a verification code via SMS.

Now fill out your business profile as comprehensively as possible and adjust various settings such as welcome messages and out-of-office notes. A quick start to conversational marketing.

#4 Alternatively: WhatsApp Business API

For even more targeted conversational marketing, we recommend this method. However, you will need a certified third-party provider like Chatarmin to handle all the formalities for you. An application must be submitted directly to the parent company Meta to gain access to the API.

In the meantime, you can start with conversational marketing, offer excellent customer service, and benefit from chatbots, extensive statistics, and many other features.

Numerous tools are available to you. With this conversational marketing strategy, you will achieve more than through email campaigns. Customers want the ultimate shopping experience, and your prospects like the direct conversation and a dedicated contact person.

#5 Define Your Target Audience for Conversational Marketing

Do you already have customer contacts? Then analyze and review your target audience. Here you will find clues and information for the further approach to conversational marketing. Demographic elements and various behavioral patterns of your customers also provide insights.

Also, use customer surveys to create targeted content. A newsletter, in particular, offers excellent opportunities for your company to present products, discounts, and news.

Newsletter Conversational Marketing

To create a successful newsletter, it is important to regularly provide interesting and relevant content. Only in this way can you retain your readers in the long term and keep their interest alive.

Make sure that the information is well-structured and easy to understand so that it can be quickly and easily consumed by your subscribers. It is also advisable to include a clear call to action to motivate your readers to act and increase the interaction rate.

By following these tips, you will surely succeed with your newsletter. Another important component of a successful newsletter is continuity. It is crucial to maintain a regular delivery schedule to keep your subscribers consistently updated with new content.

This way, you remain present in their minds and build a trusting relationship. You should also ensure that your newsletter is visually appealing to capture your readers' attention and engage with them.

Use images, colors, and fonts strategically to optimally present your message and spark interest.

Examples of Targeted Conversational Marketing

An example of conversational marketing would be the use of a chatbot on a company website. This can help visitors quickly get answers to their questions and guide them through the purchasing process.

By having personalized "conversations," the chatbots can also collect important customer information and thus assist the marketing team in targeted communication. Through this direct and interactive communication, companies can strengthen their brand image and improve the customer experience.

Another possibility of conversational marketing is the use of messenger apps like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.

Here you will be in direct contact with your customers, offer individual advice, and address specific questions.

Additionally, messenger apps allow you to send personalized offers and thus increase sales. Your company can thus specifically address the needs of your customers and retain them long-term through chatbots.

Successful Strategies at a Glance

Conversational marketing strategies aim to promote direct and personal communication between companies and customers. By using chatbots, live chats, and various channels of these new technologies, a closer relationship is built and individualized support is ensured. Engage in dialogue and use your website and all available tools for your future conversational commerce.

Customers feel heard and understood, which leads to higher customer satisfaction and long-term customer loyalty. Real-time interaction also allows you to quickly respond to customer inquiries or problems and thus sustainably improve the user experience. The following tips form the basis to meet your customers' inquiries.

#1 Pull Marketing

With this form of conversational marketing strategy within conversational commerce, you directly access your existing contact list. Interesting is the opportunity to engage with your customers when they have questions. High open rates combined with appropriate products are a "pull factor" for your business. Use pull marketing to generate inquiries and sales. Also via chatbot. A CRM like Hubspot is required.

#2 Newsletter Marketing

Already known from email marketing, in this case, you use a messenger, also for live chat, like WhatsApp. Newsletters remain popular, and with conversational marketing, you will actually reach your customers.

No more spam folders and significantly more readers than before. Although there were restrictions from Meta in the past, you can send newsletters to your customer contacts without concern using a business account or the API and expand your conversational commerce.

#3 Chatbots (including AI Chatbots) for Conversational Marketing

These types of "digital assistants" make work easier for your employees, especially during peak times. Increasingly, new artificial intelligence is also being used here. It is important to create a "likeable" chatbot that fits your company and its image.

The variety of applications is vast. Answering FAQs, presenting products, fully automated customer communication, and many other aspects. Offer your brand, support your customers, and expand your channels for increased conversations.

#4 Launch Campaigns with Keywords

In conjunction with WhatsApp, an excellent opportunity for conversational marketing (conversational marketing WhatsApp). Whenever your customers enter specific keywords/search terms on the platform, your bots initiate a suitable product consultation.

Chatarmin will be happy to support you with your next conversational marketing campaign and filter optimized keywords for your company.

#5 Advertisements on Social Networks

With the goal of directing your target audience from Facebook or Instagram to your business account. You place ads on popular platforms and generate customer contacts for your distribution list. Start a conversation and elevate your brand with a stylish article.

This will quickly lead to leads and your campaign will begin to take effect. This form of conversational marketing falls into the category of "paid marketing." Not the "broadcasting" as spam, but your channels meet the demand via messenger services. A chat with customers within your channels ensures quick conversations when the certain "kick" and attention of your customers is generated.

Why You Should Use WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp has been very popular in Germany for many years. With over 60 million active users, the app is one of the most used messaging services for live chat in the country.

The easy handling, the ability to send free messages, images, and videos with messengers, as well as end-to-end encryption, have made the messenger an integral part of the everyday lives of many people.

This high user base offers your company enormous opportunities for conversational marketing. Through targeted advertising, sending personalized messages, and offering customer service via the app, you will engage directly with your customers and strengthen your brand presence.

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