Blog / Chatbots examples: Inspiring use cases

Chatbots examples: Inspiring use cases

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By Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: October 11, 2024

WhatsApp Strategy

☝️ The most important facts in brief

  • Ideal complement to human support
  • Facilitates customer service activities for customer enquiries
  • Live chat available around the clock 24/7
  • Reliable and prompt responses thanks to artificial intelligence
  • extensive and diverse areas of application for users (such as AI-based chatbot)
  • Easy to implement with providers such as Chatarmin
  • Increase sales and streamline processes
  • Ideal marketing tool for all industries

Chatbots based on WhatsApp primarily serve to improve customer service and allow companies in all industries to be available around the clock, 7 days a week. After all, a study in 2016 showed that your customers increasingly value top-quality customer service.

Classic e-mails in sales are hardly ever opened, while WhatsApp messages achieve open rates of more than 90 percent. With an AI chatbot via live chat, you will increase customer loyalty and market your services and products much better. Contact our professionals at Chatarmin and we will be happy to create a comprehensive concept for your e-commerce.

What are chatbots?

A chatbot is a program designed to communicate with users (dialogue systems) in order to provide a quick response. Using artificial intelligence or pre-written scripts, chatbots can answer questions, provide information or perform certain actions. In doing so, the chatbot often simulates human conversation to make the interaction more natural and pleasant for the user. Through continuous learning processes, an AI chatbot can also improve over time and improve its skills and generate sales.

Integration of automated chatbots in WhatsApp

More than 60 million people in Germany use the popular messenger WhatsApp. This means that there is enormous potential for your business to retain customers or generate new target groups. Chatbots have long since taken WhatsApp by storm. Take advantage of our expertise and Chatarmin will integrate a complete solution for you and your company for the best customer service. You hardly need any programming knowledge. In any case, you should not miss out on the marketing potential of presenting a 24/7 service and marketing your business.

Facts in a nutshell

The fact is that AI chatbots are only available in the WhatsApp Business API. Third-party providers with a software solution – such as Chatarmin – take care of all applications and approvals on behalf of the Meta Group (WhatsApp belongs to the Meta Group). In addition, your potential customers must start the conversation via WhatsApp Messenger so that the chatbot can start the interaction.

Using WhatsApp chatbots

Furthermore, WhatsApp chatbots are only able to respond within a period of 24 hours. In addition, it must be ensured that a real customer service representative is available to answer questions. After all, chatbots serve as a link in communication at times when your customer support is busy and cannot respond to inquiries immediately. But they are available 24/7 and your customers are happy to have their specific inquiries handled quickly with the help of the chatbot via live chat.

Transparency and data protection with chatbots

This involves the use of telephone numbers, which are indispensable for Whatsapp. When it comes to personal data, it is important for you to obtain the active consent of your customers. For example, by using an opt-in procedure in which the customer actively agrees to have their specific data, in particular their mobile phone number, collected and used in parallel. Without an active opt-in procedure, there is no legally secure solution for using chatbots based on WhatsApp.

13 chatbot examples in practice

Thanks to the millions of WhatsApp users in Germany, you can clearly see the potential for your company based on numerous examples. Our experts from Chatarmin will support you in the implementation and implementation. It is no longer just about making quick contact, but chatbots can be used in a variety of marketing applications. Chatbots are used in a wide range of situations today. Take a look at the following interesting chatbot examples.

#1 Chatbot examples - customer service via automated bot

The availability around the clock means that customer enquiries can be answered immediately, which leads to higher customer satisfaction. In addition, chatbots can provide standardized answers that ensure consistent customer communication.

This means that your customers are supported quickly and efficiently, without long waiting times on the phone. Chatbots can also help to answer frequently asked questions, thus relieving customer support in terms of communication. By using chatbots in customer care, companies will improve their service quality while reducing costs.

#2 Appointment scheduling made easy

Chatbots allow appointments to be made quickly and easily, without long waiting times on the phone or using a cumbersome contact form. Your customer can simply state their desired appointment time in the chat and the chatbot will suggest available times immediately.

This chatbot example not only saves time, but also significantly improves efficiency in appointment management. This not only makes it easier for customers to organize their appointments, but also for your company, as less manual effort is required.

#3 Personalized product advice via chatbot

Programmed bots in product advice can help customers choose items by providing information on different products, making comparisons and giving recommendations. Based on individual customer preferences and previous purchases, chatbots can make tailored suggestions and thus create a personalized shopping experience.

Furthermore, chatbots will answer frequently asked questions about product details, delivery times or return options, making the buying process easier for customers. By interacting with a chatbot, customers receive quick and convenient support in making their purchase decision. Classic chatbot example with impact.

#4 Easy reservations

By using chatbot reservations (live chat), your customers save valuable time and effort by being able to book various services quickly and easily. Whether it's reserving a table at their favorite restaurant or booking a hotel room for their next vacation, chatbots allow customers to conveniently coordinate their plans via chat.

With automatic reminders and confirmations, the chatbot also ensures that no reservation is forgotten and that the customer is always kept up to date. Chatbots can also store individual preferences to make future reservations even easier. For the perfect marketing of your company.

#5 Simplification of orders thanks to the chatbot

When it comes to order processing, chatbot examples offer an efficient and user-friendly solution. Customers can quickly and easily place their orders for the product via the chatbot by specifying their wishes and requirements.

The chatbot can automatically carry out the ordering process, collect payment information and send the confirmation to the customer. Any questions from the customer can also be answered directly in the chat without having to leave the website or app. Integrating chatbots into the ordering process ensures a smooth process and keeps customers happy.

#6 Technical support and solution suggestions

Chatbots will play an important role in technical support by helping users with technical problems quickly and efficiently. Using pre-programmed answers and suggested solutions, chatbots will identify common problems and provide appropriate assistance.

This chatbot example will help you improve customer service and increase customer satisfaction. Chatbots can also provide instructions on how to solve software problems or use technical devices to provide users with comprehensive support.

#7 Collecting feedback - examples from practice

Feedback is an important part of customer service and chatbots play a crucial role in this. With the help of chatbots, you can easily collect feedback from customers at any time. By asking targeted questions, chatbots can collect opinions, suggestions for improvement and criticism to continuously improve the quality of the service.

Chatbots are also able to conduct automated surveys, generating valuable information for your business. This makes feedback management more efficient and transparent, and you learn practically through use cases.

#8 Chatbot examples – personalized content for better customer retention

Personalized content is an important part of the user experience. Special chatbots help to improve it even further. By analyzing the behavior and preferences of users, chatbots can make personalized recommendations for products, services or content.

This way, users feel better understood and receive exactly the information that is relevant to them. This is guaranteed to increase customer satisfaction and optimize the customer experience. Chatbots are used to tailor personalized content to the individual needs of users.

#9 Increase sales through shopping cart management

Unfortunately, statistically speaking, about 70–80 percent of all customers abandon the order process after they have filled their digital shopping cart. By integrating chatbots into the ordering process, customers can quickly and easily get help to complete their purchase.

This reduces the number of order cancellations and increases sales. You can quickly find out how to define the reasons for canceling the order process. Increase sales with this chatbot example, make it easier to buy (customer journey) and actively integrate a chatbot into the ordering process.

#10 Chatbot examples - recruitment

Recruiting and applications via chatbot are becoming increasingly popular in companies. Chatbots can be used in the recruiting process to sift through applications, answer initial questions and analyze applicant profiles.

Through automated interviews, chatbots are also able to assess the suitability of applicants and suggest suitable candidates for vacancies. Chatbots will also inform potential employees about benefits, corporate culture and career opportunities to arouse their interest in working for your e-commerce company. This makes the recruitment process more efficient and time-saving.

#11 Search for information

Chatbots are also extremely helpful when searching for information. They can act as intelligent search engines and help users to find relevant information quickly and efficiently. By interacting with the chatbot, users can ask specific questions and receive the desired answers immediately.

For example, chatbots are used in e-commerce to help customers find content and information on the online presence quickly and efficiently. This use of chatbots to provide real-time knowledge makes chatbots valuable tools for effective information gathering. Hardly any customer will stay in an online shop or company website for long if all the relevant information is not presented within a very short time.

#12 Crisis management

In times of worried customers, chatbots could be used, for example, to pass on important information to customers and to offer assistance. Where is the order and when will it be delivered? How can I complain about an item and initiate the return? How can I cancel an order at short notice? Whenever the telephone hotline is not available, customers still want quick support from a chatbot. This significantly increases the service in sales and, as is well known, satisfied buyers come back.

#13 Present discounts and special offers

Chatbots are also often used to inform customers about discounts and current promotions for TOP sales. By sending personalized messages and making individual recommendations for a specific product, chatbots will keep users up to date on attractive offers.

This enables companies to target their customers and increase sales through targeted marketing campaigns. Through automated communication, chatbots can effectively help to arouse customer interest and guide them to a purchase decision.

Advantages of AI chatbots

Chatbots have many advantages. One of the biggest advantages is their availability around the clock. No matter what time of day or night, a chatbot is always ready to answer questions or provide information. This will enable companies to significantly improve their customer service, respond faster to inquiries and generate more leads. In addition, an AI chatbot is able to interact with multiple users at the same time, which enables efficient customer care.

Chatbot with artificial intelligence

Through their AI (or pre-built scripts), bots can also make personalized recommendations and provide individual solutions to customer problems. This is how chatbots increase customer satisfaction and significantly contribute to increased sales. Overall, an AI chatbot offers a wide range of benefits for companies in every industry.

Disadvantages of chatbots

One disadvantage of chatbots is their limited ability to solve complex problems or handle complex requests. Often, chatbots are unable to understand complex relationships or to adequately address individual difficulties. This can lead to frustration among users who feel that they are not being understood or taken seriously.

In addition, chatbots may not be able to respond flexibly to unforeseen situations due to their rigid programming, which can severely limit the effectiveness of their support. However, the development of artificial intelligence is progressing rapidly. Currently, AI bots are increasingly able to answer complex customer queries in the company through machine learning.

Understanding chatbots as a supplement

A website chatbot cannot completely replace a customer service representative, as human interaction and empathy play a crucial role in customer service. Such a bot can efficiently answer standard questions and take on repetitive tasks, but it often lacks the ability to solve complex problems or to respond to individual customer needs.

Humans are able to read between the lines, recognize emotions and empathize with customers. These interpersonal skills are essential for successful customer care in all matters and cannot (yet) be fully replicated by a chatbot.

Create a WhatsApp chatbot for your business

With the increasing demand for fast and, above all, uncomplicated service requests, you will find that our complete solution at Chatarmin is the ideal partner for your business strategy. You are probably wondering whether creating a chatbot is a complicated process. Don't worry, in this guide you will find best practices for quick implementation.

#1 Find out the benefits

Do you need a chatbot or do you just want to “go with the trends”? To ensure that your future chatbot offers real added value, you and your team need to clarify the tasks it will perform. Is it just about bridging the gap between customer support closing times, or do you want to present complex and comprehensive chatbot solutions? Use Chatarmin to develop your complete portfolio and determine your marketing budget.

#2 WhatsApp Business App vs. WhatsApp Business API

Within the free business app for WhatsApp (with the link to the company account of the messenger), various ready-made scripts can be quickly and easily defined. But if you want to offer a full service via chatbot, you will hardly be able to avoid using WhatsApp's business API in combination with Chatarmin. Only this will enable you to achieve a high level of scalability, automation in all areas and the implementation of advanced AI technology.

#3 Find the right chatbot

There are basically three different types of automated bots. Often, the typical script bot is used, which interacts with customers according to a fixed scheme. This is fed with all kinds of information in advance. What questions will your customers ask? What are the most common customer concerns when it comes to support?

#4 Keyword chatbot

You can also choose a chatbot that responds to search terms and provides information. These “keywords” help customers quickly find answers to their questions. But here too, you first have to equip the bot with a large number of potential keywords and provide the appropriate answers. Each chatbot involves a lot of work in advance, but it pays off in the long run.

#5 AI chatbots with ChatGPT

Currently, thanks to artificial intelligence, AI chatbots are conquering the market. These are based on the technology “Natural Language Processing NLP”. This is the ability to recognize human speech patterns and process even complex requests. As soon as the AI chatbot is connected to ChatGPT, it continuously collects data and expands its knowledge base. The database is constantly fed and the user experience is significantly improved by natural language processing.

#6 Writing scripts

When writing texts and scripts for chatbots, it is important to put yourself in the user's shoes. Think about what questions or concerns users might have and how the chatbot can best respond to them. A good tip is to use clear and understandable sentences to avoid misunderstandings. You should also make sure that the texts have a natural and friendly tone to ensure a pleasant interaction with the chatbot.

#7 Chatbot tonality

It is also important to adapt the chatbot's language to the target group. Consider whether formal or informal language is appropriate and whether certain technical terms or abbreviations should be used. This will help ensure that users understand the chatbot better and feel comfortable with it. Another important tip is to regularly revise the texts and adapt them to user feedback in order to continuously improve the effectiveness of the ChatGPT chatbot.

#8 Test the chatbot before publishing

An important step in testing and optimizing a chatbot is to check its responses to different inputs. It is crucial to not only test the obvious requests, but also to ask unexpected and complex questions to check the chatbot's response. In addition, the chatbot's interaction with users should be analyzed to identify possible improvements.

#9 Analyzing the chatbot

Continuously gathering feedback from users and adjusting the chatbot accordingly is essential to ensure optimal performance. One way to analyze the interaction is to evaluate chat logs.

By analyzing the conversations, frequently asked questions can be identified and suggestions for improvement can be made to optimize the customer experience. In addition, the performance of the chatbot should be monitored regularly to ensure that it responds quickly and effectively to requests. Only through continuous testing and optimization can a high-quality website chatbot be developed for your individual marketing.

#10 Find a chatbot personality and name

By choosing a suitable name and a matching personality, the chatbot becomes more tangible and appealing to users. It is important that the chatbot's personality matches the brand or purpose of the chatbot. For example, a chatbot for a technology company may have a friendly and helpful personality, while a chatbot for a fashion company should be more trendy and stylish.

The choice of name should also be well thought out, as it conveys a strong first impression and can significantly influence the user experience. With a well-thought-out personality and a suitable name, your chatbot can become a real ambassador for your company.

Increase brand awareness

A developed and tested chatbot is the basis for your success. But now you have to market it and make it known to your customers. To make a chatbot known, it is important to use targeted marketing strategies. Targeted online advertising in social media can reach many potential users. In addition, collaborations with other companies or influencers will help to increase the reach of the chatbot.

Present the chatbot clearly

It also makes sense to regularly inform visitors to your website about the chatbot's current functions and offers in order to maintain their interest. A good reputation and positive reviews from satisfied users are also crucial to building trust in the chatbot and increasing its popularity. Ideally, you should present the chatbot prominently on your website or in your app, which you make available to your company's customers.

What is a chatbot example?

To give you an idea of how popular chatbots are, let's take Amazon Alexa as an example. According to statistics and surveys, more than 90 percent of all citizens in Germany use a digital device. Voice assistants in particular are extremely popular.

Products such as Amazon Alexa or Siri (Apple) and other examples of a chatbot are actively used by around 15 percent. This is an acoustic chatbot as a voice assistant. This is exactly where you can start and create a specific chatbot with Chatarmin that reaches your customers on the popular WhatsApp platform in text form.

The future has begun

Chatbots will play an increasingly important role in the future of sales for companies when it comes to interacting with their customers. Through artificial intelligence and machine learning, chatbots are becoming better and better at recognizing individual concerns and questions from customers and providing appropriate answers.

This will also enable your company to provide more efficient customer service around the clock. As a result, chatbots will not only be able to process simple requests, but also solve complex problems and make personalized recommendations. With the increasing development of chatbots, they will become indispensable tools for all industries to ensure optimal customer care.

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