Blog / Magento WhatsApp integration

Magento WhatsApp integration

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By Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: June 13, 2024

WhatsApp Strategy

☝ The most important facts in brief

  • Integration Overview: Chatarmin launches the first native Magento-WhatsApp integration, enabling automated cart recovery, post-purchase automations, shipping updates, and customer segmentation.
  • Functions: Retarget abandoned carts, send post-purchase surveys and upsell messages, and provide shipping updates via WhatsApp.
  • Benefits: Improve customer lifetime value (CLTV) by 25-75% with tailored WhatsApp marketing and efficient customer support integration.

Attention Magento store operators! Chatarmin is the first WhatsApp software worldwide to launch a native Magento WhatsApp integration. You can now use these functions fully automatically with Chatarmin's Magento-WhatsApp integration:

  • Automated retargeting of abandoned shopping carts
  • Postpurchase automations via WhatsApp: surveys, upsales & co.
  • Shipping information: shipping updates via WhatsApp
  • Segmentation options according to customer profile
  • And much more

"Chatarmin is the only WhatsApp tool in the world that has a fully functional, native Magento WhatsApp integration." - Mario Lengauer, CEO Economix & MSTAGE

Chatarmin is the only WA marketing tool with Magento (Adobe Commerce) integration

Source: Magento

The goal is to increase your CLTV ("Customer Lifetime Value!") via WhatsApp marketing by 25-75%. Let's go into more detail on how this works:

Magento WhatsApp integration: This is possible with Chatarmin

The Magento API has some endpoints ("API Endpoints" or "API Webhooks") that we can use to integrate the functions described above into Chatarmin's WA marketing software.

Abandoned shopping carts: Magento's "Checkout" endpoint gives us many different ways to respond to abandoned user journeys - such as shopping cart abandonment. The standard in this case is a WhatsApp campaign as soon as the customer has canceled their order process in the checkout, but has already provided their phone number.

WhatsApp Abandoned Checkout Automation

Re-targeting of abandoned shopping carts through Chatarmin's Magento WhatsApp integration. Source: Chatarmin

Postpurchase automations: Magento's API endpoint "Order paid" allows us to automatically send users a WhatsApp message if they have provided their phone number during checkout. This feature is great for product usage recommendations, surveys, shipping information or cross- or up-sales.

_**TIP: If you are not yet collecting your customers' phone numbers in the checkout, you should change this immediately! You are missing out on valuable (WhatsApp) leads.

Shopware-WhatsApp-Integration: Shipping information via WhatsApp

Postpurchase automation in Chatarmin's Magento WhatsApp integration (Flow-Builder). Source: Chatarmin

Segmentation options: Analyze the customer's purchasing behavior automatically by combining CLTV ("Customer Lifetime Value"), product purchases and purchase frequency into segments. You can then incorporate these into WhatsApp automations as so-called "conditional logic" ("if/else splits" or "conditional functioning"). This guarantees that each customer only receives the WhatsApp message that suits them, their purchasing behavior and their preferences.

Chatarmin offers segmentation based on your Klaviyo activity

if/else split in Chatarmin WhatsApp flow builder, based on Magento buying behavior. Source: Chatarmin

Chatarmin offers a lot more WhatsApp marketing features for Magento store owners. Book your WhatsApp sparring session with our team of WhatsApp specialists here at any time:

Johannes Mansbart

Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder

Magento WhatsApp marketing: interaction with customer support software

Chatarmin is the leading WhatsApp marketing tool for D2C brands with a Magento tech stack. But what happens when customers write back or your Magento WhatsApp marketing activities result in customer support? Well, in this case, there are three possibilities, and we'll go into each of them in more detail:

No WhatsApp support: 9-figure brands like waterdropÂź scale their WhatsApp marketing across multiple markets and to relevant sales via CLTV uplift of 25%-75%. And yet they don't offer WhatsApp support! How does it work? Via auto-responders, i.e. automated responses. Either via ChatGPT WhatsApp Integration and/or WhatsApp Automations. We attach a screenshot of such a solution here:

The waterdropÂź WhatsApp enterprise account has been successfully verified and scaled in collaboration with Chatarmin.

waterdropÂź scales its WhatsApp marketing even without WhatsApp support. You can use Chatarmin Flowbuilder to easily set an automatic response to be sent when WhatsApp leads move out of pre-defined flows. Source: waterdrop WhatsApp.

Customer support in Chatarmin: Thanks to Chatarmin's support and ticketing system, even a multi-member support team can handle full customer support in Chatarmin. This has proven its worth for brands such as bedrop (8-figure) from Mannheim. This is because they do not yet use a multi-channel solution such as zendesk, Freshdesk or Gorgias. Nevertheless, a comprehensive WhatsApp customer support suite is required. Chatarmin offers this.

B2B Sales through Chatarmin, example family business Kammerberger

Chatarmin has a comprehensive multi-agent customer support suite. Source: Chatarmin

Our ChatGPT WhatsApp integrationmentioned above is also offered here at Chatarmin. Here you can find a video about how it works:

Loom Video Thumbnail

Chatarmin enables full AI customer support with 100% GDPR compliance. Source: Chatarmin Youtube

Customer support in customer support tool:

Most large D2C online stores - including all Chatarmin Magento customers - use this solution.

Customer support takes place in zendesk, Gorgias, or Freshdesk.

The advantage of this?

Your customer support team can work in their familiar environment and thus offer WhatsApp support without any operational problems. Why should you use Chatarmin's custom app for this? Thanks to Chatarmin's integrations, it is possible to use just one phone number and one WABA for customer support. And this without having to do without Chatarmin's personalization options.

For example, your support team can view the customer's historical purchasing behaviour and respond to your customers' concerns in a hyper-personalized way. You can also use pre-qualification flows to perform lead enrichment so that the customer provides you with as much information about their request as possible. This way, most tickets are dealt with in one WhatsApp message.

The last and best point:

You can mega easily convert support leads into marketing leads. The customer only ever communicates with a brand presence on WhatsApp, but marketing can convert and use the leads mega well through flows and newsletters.

WhatsApp-Automation "Grußbotschaft" bei Kundenanfrage im WhatsApp CRM Chatarmin.

Lead enrichment pre-support ticket. Chatarmin-Gorgias-WhatsApp integration. Source: Chatarmin

BONUS: Magento WhatsApp Integration: Case Studies

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Magento WhatsApp Integration allows Magento WhatsApp flows.

Source: Chatarmin WhatsApp chat start link

We hope that this article has given you a good overview of Chatarmin's unique Magento WhatsApp integration. Feel free to book your personal WhatsApp consultation in the link below:

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