Blog / Set up automatic WhatsApp replies

Set up automatic WhatsApp replies

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By Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: October 20, 2024

WhatsApp Knowledge

ā˜ļø The most important facts in brief

  • The WhatsApp Messenger service has a handy autoresponder
  • Automatic replies serve as an informative out-of-office message
  • Setting up out-of-office messages takes just a few steps
  • Companies can set up a useful chat bot and take full advantage of the functionality of the WhatsApp Business platform.

WhatsApp is one of those apps that offer much more than just private communication, because the world's most popular messenger is also classified as a versatile business tool. If you also use WhatsApp professionally, it is certainly advantageous for you to know how to use the out-of-office notification.

Chatarmin supports you in using WhatsApp professionally and with this article we want to provide you with a good overview and instructions on how to generate automatic replies via WhatsApp for your contacts in case of your absence.

WhatsApp automatic replies - possibilities and purposes of the practical function

WhatsApp messages have become a popular means of communication for both private and business purposes. Due to the high opening rates of over 90 percent in some cases, companies in particular benefit from contacting customers directly and sending out newsletters with discounts, product presentations or company news.

However, if information is exchanged or a customer inquiry is made via WhatsApp outside of your company's regular business hours, it makes sense to use the functionality of the popular business tool to leave an out-of-office reply. This way, your customers will receive a quick response that you will get back to them when business hours resume.

Chatarmin is your expert when it comes to WhatsApp marketing and the multifaceted app functions, so we would like to present not only the advantages of automatic replies on WhatsApp, but also offer step-by-step instructions for creating out-of-office messages.

WhatsApp: What are the advantages of an automatic reply?

Nowadays, many customer queries no longer come via traditional email, because WhatsApp is preinstalled on most electronic devices and the popular app now has over 2 billion users worldwide. If you use WhatsApp Business for your company to respond to your customers' messages faster, you will automatically enjoy the following benefits:

  • Your customers are immediately informed that you are currently unavailable but will get back to them as soon as possible

  • Customer inquiries are answered even outside of regular business hours

  • Due to the direct feedback, you can increase customer satisfaction The WhatsApp autoresponder increases the efficiency of your customer communication

  • If WhatsApp Business is part of your daily work and you want to set up automatic replies via WhatsApp, we at Chatarmin are happy to provide you with clear and step-by-step instructions to help you use an autoresponder like this.

Instructions: How to set up automatic replies via WhatsApp

Sometimes it's just not possible for you to respond to incoming app messages immediately? On a busy workday or outside of opening hours, responses can take a while. However, customers generally want to receive a quick response to their message. So, to avoid jeopardizing your company's high level of customer satisfaction, you should set up an auto-reply.

With WhatsApp Business, this is not a problem at all, because the versatile app is able to send an automatic WhatsApp reply. All you have to do is follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the WhatsApp app

Step 2: Go to the menu via the three dots in the upper right corner and open the company tools

Step 3: Now select ā€œMessage Functionsā€

Step 4: Here you can now save a ā€œwelcome messageā€, an ā€œout-of-office messageā€ or ā€œquick repliesā€.

Step 5: To activate the automatic replies, you must of course tap on ā€œout-of-office messageā€.

Step 6: Slide the activation switch to the right

Step 7: Use the pencil icon to edit the WhatsApp response

Step 8: Decide whether you want the WhatsApp response to be sent always, on your own schedule, or outside of business hours

Step 9: Using the ā€œRecipientā€ setting, you can also choose whether the replies should only go to certain contacts or to all of them

Step 10: Don't forget to save your entries for the WhatsApp messages

Tips and tricks: An example of a high-quality automatic reply via WhatsApp

You probably know automatic messages from classic e-mail. Today, they are ubiquitous in WhatsApp Messenger and serve an important purpose: customer contact 24/7! WhatsApp Business is a high-quality app for anyone who runs a business and wants to be in direct contact with customers.

Are you one of those business people? Then your customers are in luck, because with automatic replies, you can show that you value customer communication and offer your customers constant accessibility. Set up an automatic app message or take advantage of quick replies when you are frequently confronted with the same requests that require similar answers.

The following 5 points should be included in the automatic message to ensure professional communication via the app, which your customers will certainly appreciate:

1) Confirm receipt of the customer's message and promise to respond personally within a short period of time

2) Provide the message with information on when you will be available again on a regular basis

3) Point out other media channels, such as your website, where customers can find an answer in the meantime

4) Every business should thank the customer for contacting them in a reply message ā€“ this increases customer satisfaction and builds trust despite the automation

5) Make sure that the business messages are actually processed by you or your employees and don't just end up in a folder ā€“ all customer enquiries should be treated equally!

Autoresponder for WhatsApp: Which tone of voice should you choose?

There are no particular rules regarding the tone of voice when creating a WhatsApp reply message. However, since this is a business app for business enquiries, you should maintain a certain level of professionalism even in short replies.

If you address your customers informally, it is of course possible to use this form of address in your WhatsApp auto-replies. This makes the message seem more personal and your contacts are used to it anyway. When contacting new customers, you should follow the tips for business dealings and use the formal form of address in your WhatsApp Business auto-replies.

When do you need a WhatsApp auto-reply?

There may be a number of different reasons why it is advantageous for you to set up automatic responses on WhatsApp Business. For example, emergencies may arise that prevent you from responding directly to a customer message.

However, messages can also be received when you are already off duty. In this case, automatic replies via the app help to inform the customer about the official opening hours and let them know when you will be available again. However, there are even more good examples of how to use WhatsApp Business messages to automate messages for your business right away today.

Companies benefit from an out-of-office message during company vacations

Everyone needs a vacation from time to time, and fortunately, as the head of a company, you are not exempt from this. The ability to set up automatic app responses helps you to answer all customer inquiries with the information that you will be back at work soon.

An out-of-office reply like this is an effective marketing tool and, thanks to our instructions in this article, it only takes a few minutes to set up. Type in your own personalized reply message or access a range of ready-made messages for your WhatsApp contacts online.

WhatsApp auto-reply: how can a chatbot help you?

If you want to prevent your customers from having to wait too long for a response in your absence, one option would be to integrate a chatbot into WhatsApp Business that processes requests in a live chat. Live chats in WhatsApp with an installed bot have become a popular business tool for providing an app message with appropriate responses.

Given the large number of bots to choose from, make sure you use an application with a high level of quality, because a poorly programmed bot could be an example of poor customer service. This circumstance should be avoided and therefore pay attention to this rule: Even with the bot for your WhatsApp Business contacts, all quality features for high customer satisfaction must be met.

Conclusion: WhatsApp auto-reply ā€“ your company should no longer be without this practical autoresponder

The WhatsApp Business app is the link to good customer communication. With over 2 billion WhatsApp users worldwide, it's important that you don't overlook the important marketing foundation of being available 24/7 to your customers.

Chatarmin helps you set up automatic responses via WhatsApp Business

We at Chatarmin are experts in using WhatsApp Business and can provide you with examples of professional responses to WhatsApp requests. Of course, we are also happy to help with any other questions you may have about how to use it, regardless of the WhatsApp version.

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