Blog / WhatsApp Stripe integration: Integrate WhatsApp with Stripe natively through Chatarmin

WhatsApp Stripe integration: Integrate WhatsApp with Stripe natively through Chatarmin

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By Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: June 13, 2024

WhatsApp Strategy

☝ The most important facts in brief

  • Benefits of Integration: Stripe, as the world's most popular online payment platform, seamlessly integrates with WhatsApp through Chatarmin. This integration addresses various payment challenges such as disputes, chargebacks, fees, and cash flow restrictions.
  • Need for a Robust Solution: Custom-built solutions like Zapier often fall short when handling large volumes of data and ensuring GDPR compliance. Chatarmin provides a robust architecture for synchronized CRM and payment data processing.
  • Stripe API: The Stripe API handles customer data, payments, disputes, and fraud cases. Chatarmin utilizes this API to integrate data seamlessly into WhatsApp Business Platform accounts, enabling swift responses to customer interactions.

Stripe is the most popular online payment platform in the world. Stripe’s claim is “the internet pays with Stripe”, and I - Johannes Mansbart, founder of Chatarmin - need to admit, that Chatarmin is already the second business that I am building on top of Stripe payments. The potential market is huge, Stripe is very well-spread within the indiehacking and startup communities.

WhatsApp integrates with Stripe, and vice versa. Made possible by WhatsApp, Stripe and Chatarmin.

The nature of payments brings problems such as:

  • costly disputes
  • charge-backs
  • fees
  • recharges through subscriptions
  • reputational thresholds
  • cashflow constraints
  • turning first-time customers into repeating customers

etc., we will dive into all the use cases later when dissecting the Stripe API. What we actually want to make the point about is, that you cannot afford to work with self-built solutions such as zapier or zoho, when it comes to

  • handling granular data you must not lose
  • handling data at scale
  • handling data DDPR-compliantly
  • handling data of high volume and high value leads

You simply need watertight architecture, syncing your CRM with payment data. This is where Chatarmin comes into play and provides the world’s first native Stripe integrations with WhatsApp.

Avoid quick fixes and dirty deploys such as zapier when handling Stripe data at scale, integrating with Chatarmin for your Stripe WhatsApp integration.

Stripe WhatsApp Integration works natively and thus robust and scalably through Chatarmin. You generally want to avoid a breakable and avoidable weakness from your CRM, ERP, PIM etc. infrastructure, if anyhow possible

How does Stripe integrate with WhatsApp through Chatarmin?

Now, let’s look at the Stripe API, which is the one to build upon. Fortunately, it is a thing of beauty and thus very nice to work with, integrating Stripe with WhatsApp natively through Chatarmin. Let’s look at the Stripe API’s “open endpoints” (“webhook”) which we work with on a daily basis:

Stripe Customer Data

Stripe handles client information such as:

  • id
  • address
  • description
  • email
  • metadata
  • name
  • phone
  • shipping

..and then there’s other optional ones to choose from. We are generally very interested in gaining verified, or at least high-value curated, client-data, with loads of phone numbers to trigger WhatsApp automations upon.

Create, retrieve, delete and/or update a customer

Generally speaking, we at Chatarmin can sync, update, delete and add those customer data at any time, depending on our syncing cycles and logics pulling data from the Stripe API into your WhatsApp Business Platform account, registered through Chatarmin. So, as soon as anything changes, such as

  • products being added
  • clients churning
  • or generally activity happening within the clients’ profile which is uniquely identifiable and also activity-based

we will be able to pull, update and sync it, accordingly. Just like we do it with static customer objects and data.

Disputes and fraud

Also, disputes and fraud, which are a pain for merchants, especially in eCommerce, are handled by the Stripe API and thus are synced with Chatarmin. The goal is for you to have a seamless CDP environment between your ticketing, sales, email marketing CRM and Chatarmin. Just like our clients make use of our Klaviyo integration.

  • id
  • amount
  • charge
  • currency
  • exchange
  • payment_intent
  • dispute reason

Be aware all those categories can potentially be split into subcategories, with - for example - dispute reason just being one naming for around 15 reasons such as “card not valid”, “card expired”, “bank account not whole”, and others. So, being able to segment customers and if/else split those in Chatarmin WhatsApp Flows is crucial and necessary in order to provide 100% quality data to the full extent of granularity imaginable.

Stripe API provides full exposure to creating Stripe WhatsApp journeys.

The Stripe API is a dream to work with, it is just so extensive, that few WhatsApp Markeitng Tools seemingly have seen a chance or opportunity to build within it, in order to first-party integrate it natively into a WhatsApp CRM directly.

What does the Chatarmin Stripe WhatsApp integration look like?

After having looked into some high-level chit-chat about the Stripe API and potential Stripe WhatsApp integration, let’s define just three core use cases of the countless possibilities of integrating WhatsApp with Stripe through Chatarmin.

Stripe WhatsApp Integration Use Case #1: Abandoned Payment Retargeting

Since we fetch every single data entry point your client will enter and leave along his full customer journey, the only thing we will need in order to retarget your “almost-client” is his phone number. As soon as he has entered it, we will be able to react to the step he dropped off during his user journey, and we will be able to target him, accordingly.

Stripe WhatsApp Automation to recover a churned or non-activated customer through Chatarmin Stripe WhatsApp integration.

Have a recovery and optional payment update site be sent to your non-charged amost-client through WhatsApp

The dynamic CTA on the bottom of the recovery WhatsApp campaign will automatically redirect the client to a (gadget-optimized-) landing page, that lets him update his payment option at ease and in the most conversion-rate-optimized way.

Recover and retarget failed or churned Stripe payments through Chatarmin's Stripe WhatsApp Integratin.

Let your Stripe client update his profile information and payment details in order to recover his purchase via WhatsApp for Stripe integration by Chatarmin

We hope this gave you a good feeling of client recovery, using Stripe for WhatsApp integration, natively hard-coded by Chatarmin. Bootstrapped and from Vienna, Austria.

Stripe WhatsApp Integration Use Case #2: Postpurchase Automation

Imagine now, that you managed to either recover your client, or someone simply managed to purchase your product via your Stripe checkout portal. Now, what’s next? Usually, you would have customers enter some EMail CRM’s postpurchase-flow, being triggered by the respective Stripe Webhook.

Der "Order Confirmation" Flow ist in zoko STARTER nicht verfĂŒgbar und kann erst ab zoko PLUS kostenpflichtig installiert werden.

Email CRM Postpurchase Flow triggered by Stripe successful purchase payment

Now, what will happen next? People will either open, but not engage with your post-purchase email welcome automation. Or, the engagement will go down until it has hit average levels of 20-30% Opening Rate and <1% Click Through Rate. Surely, that’s not the most promising horizon to milk your clients, maximizing longtail retention revenue through up-, crosssales and subscriptions. So, what’s there to do?

Exactly, duplicate, or leverage, your post-purchase journey, using WhatsApp.

Look at our clients' case of a postpurchase automation using the Stripe WhatsApp integration.

Postpurchase automation by Chatarmin, integrating Stripe successful purchase webhook with WhatsApp

This way, you will retain contact with your customers way longer, way more intensively, and in a way more private environment and conversational way. Needless to say, adding WhatsApp to your retention marketing mix shows RPR’s (Revenue per Recipient) of around €1,50-€2,50 on average, and a general CLTV uplift of around 25% across industries and use cases.

You don’t want to miss out on using the world’s most installed app, and most-used Messenger, to interact with your customers. Get rid of your Email-dependence and leverage WhatsApp for your additional eyeballs, leads, and longtail retention revenue.

Stripe WhatsApp Integration Use Case #3: Platform Onboarding Retargeting

Now, let’s say your client paid, and even opened your post-purchase automation, interacting with your emails and WhatsApp messages. What’s next? Naturally, depending on your business case, you will either not be profitable on your first upfront cold sale, or will try to retain the customer as long as possible in your

  • environment
  • community
  • facebook group
  • 30d challenge
  • discord or slack channel
  • active user cohorts

..turning your just recently acquired customer into a die-hard first-mover who not only loves but also uses your product. This logic applies to all products and business cases, whether it be

  • a mobile app
  • a consumer gadget
  • an FMCG or Supplements eCom brand
  • an online community
  • a webinar product and coaching funnel
  • etc. etc. etc.

all kinds of products will just massively benefit of an active, happy user, who feels well-taken care of. Imagine being able to:

ask your client for additional information such as his email address, or spouses’ birthday ask your customer to add some information to his platform profile such as a profile pic, his CV, or a motivational letter review your business and the users’ personal experience not even leaving WhatsApp! Now, that’s a banger.

Platform retainment and lead enrichment flow, integrating WhatsApp with Stripe through Chatarmins' Flow builder.

This Chatarmin client uses WhatsApp to lead-enrich his freshly acquired platform signups, digital B2B marketplace

So, we have just covered three crucial steps of your customer’s journey, by leveraging our Stripe WhatsApp Subscription. Combine the API power of Chatarmin and Stripe, leveraging WhatsApp as your second retention communication channel, on top of your email marketing system.

Summary: Combining the Stripe API with WhatsApp through the Chatarmin API

Stripe is rolling out global payments in WhatsApp and has just started rolling out this brand new feature in Singapore, where our local clients are just waiting to be eligible to integrate everything with Chatarmin. Until then, we have already closed the gap from the other side, integrating WhatsApp Stripe through Chatarmin. Our Stripe WhatsApp integration is not only unique, but actually extremely helpful for global e-businesses of any kind.

Singapore enjoys the new WhatsApp payment option powered by Stripe.

Chatarmin closes the gap from the other side, so global WhatsApp-Business-Platform-businesses will be able to use WhatsApp Payments through Stripe, and WhatsApp automations through Stripe Payments

We hope we could give you a good overview of Stripe WhatsApp integrations, and what WhatsApp can do for Stripe, and the other way around. Chatarmin has been pioneering the scalable and GDPR-compliant WhatsApp communications space for around 18 months now. Thanks for your interest in our product! We, as a bootstrapped B2B-SaaS, are working hard for every website visitor, lead, and client.

Get to know Chatarmin better in the following video:

Loom Video Thumbnail

Source: Chatarmin, Q2 2024

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