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WhatsApp Stripe Chat Integration: Integrate WhatsApp with Stripe natively via Chatarmin

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Why Stripe integrates with WhatsApp: The “why” of the Stripe-WhatsApp integration by Chatarmin

Stripe is the most popular online payment platform in the world. Stripe's motto is “the internet pays with Stripe”, and I - Johannes Mansbart, founder of Chatarmin - have to admit that Chatarmin is already the second company that I - Johannes Mansbart, Chatarmin founder - have built on the basis of Stripe payments. The potential market is huge, and Stripe is very well known in the indie-hacking and startup community.

The nature of payments brings with it problems such as:

  • costly disputes

  • chargebacks

  • fees

  • overcharges through subscriptions

  • thresholds for repayment

  • cash flow restrictions

  • converting first-time customers into recurring customers

etc. We will cover all these use cases later when we analyze the Stripe API. What we are actually trying to get at is that you cannot afford to work with homemade solutions like zapier or zoho when it comes to

  • processing granular data, you must not lose any

  • handling data at scale

  • handling data in a GDPR-compliant manner

  • processing high-volume, high-value lead data

You simply need a watertight architecture that synchronizes your CRM with payment data. This is where Chatarmin comes in, offering the world's first native Stripe integrations with WhatsApp.

The Stripe-WhatsApp integration works natively and is therefore robust and scalable via Chatarmin. In general, you want to avoid a fragile and avoidable vulnerability in your CRM, ERP, PIM, etc. infrastructure if at all possible.

How can Stripe be integrated with WhatsApp via Chatarmin?

Now let's take a look at the Stripe API that we need to build on. Fortunately, it is very nice and therefore very easy to use to integrate Stripe natively with WhatsApp via Chatarmin. Let's take a look at the Stripe API's “open endpoints” (“webhook”) that we work with every day:

Stripe customer data

Stripe processes customer data such as:

  • ID

  • Address

  • Description

  • Email

  • Metadata

  • Name

  • Phone

  • Shipping

...and then there is more optional data to choose from. We are generally very keen on getting verified or at least high-quality curated customer data with lots of phone numbers to trigger WhatsApp automations.

Create, retrieve, delete, and/or update customers

In general, we at Chatarmin can synchronize, update, delete and add this customer data at any time, depending on our synchronization cycles and logics that pull data from the Stripe API into your WhatsApp Business Platform account registered through Chatarmin. So as soon as something changes, such as

  • products are added

  • customers churn

  • or generally any activity within the customer profile that is clearly identifiable and also activity-based

...we can retrieve, update and synchronize them accordingly. Just as we do with static customer objects and data.

Disputes and fraud

Disputes and fraud, which are a particular problem for retailers in e-commerce, are also processed via the Stripe API and must therefore be synchronized with Chatarmin. The goal is to have a seamless CDP environment between your ticketing, sales, email marketing CRM and Chatarmin. Just like our customers do with our Klaviyo integration.

  • Name

  • Amount

  • Fee

  • Currency

  • Exchange

  • Payment_intent

  • Reason for complaint

Note that all of these categories can potentially be broken down into subcategories, where – for example – the reason for a complaint is just a label for about 15 reasons such as “card not valid”, “card expired”, “bank account incomplete” and others. The ability to segment customers and divide them into Chatarmin WhatsApp flows is therefore crucial and necessary to deliver 100% quality data at the full extent of imaginable granularity.

The Stripe API is a dream to work with, it is just so extensive that few WhatsApp marketing tools have seen an opportunity or way to build into it to integrate it directly into a WhatsApp CRM.

What does the Chatarmin Stripe WhatsApp integration look like?

After doing a little research on the Stripe API and potential Stripe-WhatsApp integration, we now want to define three central use cases of the countless possibilities of integrating WhatsApp with Stripe through Chatarmin.

Stripe WhatsApp integration use case no. 1: retargeting for abandoned payments

Since we are retrieving every single data entry point that your customer enters and exits throughout their entire customer journey, the only thing we need to retarget your “almost customer” is their phone number. Once they have entered it, we can act on the step they left off during their user journey and target them accordingly.

Let's send a recovery page and an optional payment update to your unactivated fast customer via WhatsApp.

The dynamic CTA at the end of the recovery WhatsApp campaign automatically redirects the customer to a (gadget-optimized) landing page where they can conveniently update their payment option in a conversion-optimized way.

Have your Stripe customer update their profile and payment details to restore their purchase via WhatsApp for the Chatarmin Stripe integration.

We hope this has given you a good feel for how to recover the customer by using Stripe for the WhatsApp integration that was natively hard-coded by Chatarmin. Bootstrappet and from Vienna, Austria.

Stripe WhatsApp Integration Use Case #2: Postpurchase Automation

Now imagine we managed to either win back that customer, or someone just managed to purchase your product via your Stripe checkout portal. What's next? Normally, you would let the customer enter an email CRM's post-purchase flow triggered by the corresponding Stripe webhook.

Email CRM post-purchase flow triggered by Stripe successful charge

What will happen next? Customers will either open your automated post-purchase welcome email message, but not engage with it. Or, engagement will tail off until it reaches an average level of 20-30% open rate and <1% click-through rate. That's certainly not the most promising horizon for milking your customers and maximizing long-tail retention revenue from upselling, cross-selling, and subscriptions. So what should you do?

Exactly, duplicate or segment your post-purchase journey with WhatsApp.

Post-purchase automation from Chatarmin, integrating the Stripe webhook for successful purchases with WhatsApp

This way you stay in touch with your customers for much longer, much more intensely and in a much more private environment and conversational form. Needless to say, adding WhatsApp to your retention marketing mix shows an RPR (Revenue per Recipient) of €1.50-€2.50 on average ( and an overall CLTV increase of approximately 25% across all industries and use cases.

Don't miss out on using the world's most installed app and most used messenger to interact with your customers. Break your email dependency and use WhatsApp for additional leads and long-tail revenue from existing customers.

Stripe WhatsApp Integration Use Case #3: Platform Onboarding Retargeting

Let's assume that the customer has paid and even opened your post-purchase automation and interacted with your emails and WhatsApp messages. What happens now? Depending on your business model, we will either not make a profit on the first cold sale or try to keep the customer in our

  • environment

  • community

  • Facebook group

  • 30-day challenge

  • Discord or Slack channel

  • Active user cohorts

  • Website account

to keep. This way, we can turn our newly acquired customer into a die-hard first-time user who not only loves the product but also uses it. This logic applies to all products and business cases, whether they are

  • a mobile application

  • a consumer gadget

  • an FMCG or eCom brand of dietary supplements

  • an online community

  • a webinar product and coaching funnel

  • etc. etc. etc.

all types of products will massively benefit from an active, happy user who feels well taken care of. Imagine if we could:

  • ask our customer for additional information such as their email address or their spouse's birthday

ask our customers to add some information to their platform profile, such as a profile picture, their CV or a cover letter

gather reviews and user-generated content about users' personal experiences...

and all without leaving WhatsApp! That's a hit.

This Chatarmin customer uses WhatsApp to enrich their freshly acquired platform signups, B2B digital marketplace

So we just covered three crucial steps of the customer journey using our Stripe WhatsApp subscription. Combine the API power of Chatarmin and Stripe and use WhatsApp as a second communication channel for customer retention, in addition to your email marketing system and other retention marketing measures.

Summary: Combine the Stripe API with WhatsApp via the Chatarmin API.

Stripe is rolling out payments in WhatsApp globally and has just started rolling out this brand new feature in Singapore where our local customers are just waiting to be able to integrate everything with Chatarmin. By then, we have already closed the gap from the other side by integrating WhatsApp Stripe through Chatarmin. Our Stripe-WhatsApp integration is not only unique but extremely helpful for global e-businesses of any kind.

Chatarmin bridges the gap from the other side, so global WhatsApp Business platform businesses will be able to utilize WhatsApp payments via Stripe and WhatsApp automations via Stripe payments.

We hope we were able to give you a good overview of the Stripe-WhatsApp integrations, and what WhatsApp can do for Stripe, and vice versa. Chatarmin has been pioneering scalable and GDPR-compliant WhatsApp communication for about 18 months. Thank you for your interest in our product! We, as a bootstrapped B2B SaaS, work hard for every website visitor, lead, and customer.

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