Between the "Customer", also referred to as "Company", and GmbH, also referred to as "Chatarmin" or "".

Date of publication and effect: 18.04.2024

Accessibility, performance and maintenance of Chatarmin

  • Sending speed and data volume: Chatarmin guarantees a sending speed of at least 1,000 messages per minute.
  • Availability of Chatarmin: The availability of the platform is 99.00%. The decisive factor for the calculation of availability, i.e. the period of time during which the customer was able to use the entire core functionalities of the platform, is the ratio of the total minutes of availability in the relevant month minus the total minutes of non-availability in the relevant month divided by the total minutes of availability in the relevant month times 100%.
  • The Availability Period: also includes the period of scheduled maintenance (which, averaged over a 12-month period, shall not exceed 12 hours per month) and incidents outside Chatarmin's control.
  • Availability log and communication: Chatarmin shall inform customers reactively and at the customer's request on a monthly basis about the actual availability in the previous month. If the agreed availability rate has not been reached, Chatarmin will issue a credit note to the customer. The amount of the credit note shall correspond to the monthly license fees for which the customer was invoiced in the affected period, net for the duration of the period in which the platform does not meet the availability rate of 99.00%.
  • WhatsApp Ireland: If access to the WhatsApp instant messaging channel is blocked, interrupted or unavailable by its provider WhatsApp Ireland Limited, for example for maintenance, repairs, improvements or due to network or equipment failure, Chatarmin will notify the client within a reasonable period of time, but no later than 72 hours if campaigns are scheduled for this period or the service is persistently unavailable for this period.
  • Maintenance and support: If maintenance work or other events are planned that could affect the accessibility of the Platform operated by Chatarmin, Chatarmin shall inform the client in advance, in the event of disruptions immediately via email or WhatsApp.
  • The customer can contact Chatarmin in the event of problems via the following channels: On working days via the telephone support available on Chatarmin's website, or in the signed offer or in the final invoice, from 10:00 to 17:00, in support calls made reasonably available to the customer, via email, or via ticketing system with other communication channels, such as WhatsApp.
  • If further weekly support is required that goes beyond the level described in the offer, Chatarmin will grant the customer strategic development at the official hourly rate. This developer hour is 175 EURO net on 18.04.2024.

Each support request will be reviewed by Chatarmin and then managed according to the priority matrix and the response time detailed below:

Priority matrix

Severity1 - Critical2 - Medium3 - Low
DescriptionThe productive use of the platform and its core functions is not possible or is so severely impaired that the customer cannot reasonably continue its business activities.The platform works, but an important core function fails.The platform and core functions work, but with some inconvenience.

Response time

See the following response times:

Severity of Problem1 Critical2 Medium3 Low
Problem acceptance12 hours24 hours72 hours
Problem resolution72 hours5 working days15 working days

Access and use of the external software

Notwithstanding Section 5 of the GTC, Chatarmin may only block an account if there is an important reason for doing so and Chatarmin has previously informed the client in text form of the pending blocking and the reasons for it.The client has an unlimited number of flows (routes in the Tool) and trigger events (triggers for a route) as well as an unlimited contact volume in the Tool. There are therefore no restrictions on the use of the platform, in particular no functional and/or territorial and/or other restrictions. Through the master login provided by Chatarmin to the client, the client may grant its company employees as Agents their own access authorizations and configure them according to their preferences in order to create an optimal working environment on the Platform

Final agreements

This Supplementary Agreement and all legal relationships between the parties shall be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Austria to the exclusion of international uniform law, in particular the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be the District Court of Vienna. Should one or more of the above provisions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The parties are obliged to replace the invalid provision with a provision that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the invalid provision.

API "Smarter" package


A license access to Chatarmin's software service is created, which enables the customer to send newsletters and campaigns to its customer group via WhatsApp. Chatarmin also has its own database so that variable mailings can take place.

A welcome automation is also included, which welcomes, tags and segments the end customer in the WhatsApp chat. This allows customer groups to be assigned to a customer segment and thus targeted with local, regional or content-based advertising mailings. Opt-out and profile automation are also included in the package at the customer's request.

Two API integrations with store, support or CRM systems are included.


Phone number registration, WhatsApp Business account registration, synchronization of the WhatsApp Business account with the customer's Facebook Business account, technical introduction of all employees to Chatarmin through a video training portal, segmentation and tagging infrastructure of contact lists, availability of a dedicated WhatsApp contact database, creation of chatbot automations. Integration of your desired "marketing tech stack" to the extent of up to two "integrations".

Additional information

The variable WhatsApp conversation costs, which are billed directly between WhatsApp and the customer, are excluded.

We will be happy to answer your questions by phone or email during normal office hours on weekdays.

Basic "Starter" package


A license access to Chatarmin's software service is created, which enables the customer to send newsletters and campaigns to their customer group via WhatsApp. Chatarmin also has its own database so that variable mailings can take place.

A welcome automation is also included, which welcomes, tags and segments the end customer in the WhatsApp chat. This allows customer groups to be assigned to a customer segment and thus targeted with local, regional or content-based advertising mailings. Opt-out and profile automation are also included in the package at the customer's request.

API integration with your store or CRM system is also included.


Registration of the telephone number, registration of the WhatsApp Business account, synchronization of the WhatsApp Business account with the customer's Facebook Business account, technical introduction of all employees to Chatarmin through a video training portal, segmentation and tagging infrastructure of the contact lists, availability of a separate WhatsApp contact database, creation of the chatbot automations.

Additional information

The variable WhatsApp conversation costs, which are billed directly between WhatsApp and the customer, are excluded.

We are available for written queries by email during normal office hours on weekdays.