Blog / Intercom WhatsApp Integration

Intercom WhatsApp Integration

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By Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder,

Last updated at: June 13, 2024

WhatsApp Strategy

☝️ The most important facts in brief

  • Limitations of Intercom's Native WhatsApp App: Intercom’s WhatsApp app lacks the ability to monetize WhatsApp leads through newsletters and automations, missing out on converting support leads into marketing leads.
  • Chatarmin's Solution: Chatarmin's WhatsApp-Intercom integration allows seamless branding with one WABA, ensures a perfect user journey, enables support teams to work within Intercom, and scales WhatsApp marketing via Chatarmin.
  • Costs and ROI: Chatarmin’s integration involves WhatsApp conversation costs, Intercom fees, and Chatarmin tool costs, offering a significant ROI by converting support tickets into marketing leads.
  • Implementation Steps: The integration process involves five simple steps: setting up Chatarmin and Intercom accounts, copying API keys, installing Chatarmin in Intercom, testing workflows, and going live.

Whilst Intercom offers its own Intercom WhatsApp App, the solution is far from perfect. It does not enable you to monetize your WhatsApp leads through newsletters and automations.

WhatsApp leads are both: expensive and valuable. So, offering WhatsApp-support to your clients and stakeholders is a good thing. However, if you lack one crucial feature of offering WhatsApp-communication to your clients, you will lose out on all the upside: Not generating any revenue out of your WhatsApp-leads.

Find here the official Intercom documentation on Chatarmin's [Intercom WhatsApp integration](Here is the official documentation regarding the Chatarmin Intercom app, on the Intercom app marketplace.).

Intercom’s native WhatsApp app lacks exactly that: Creating WhatsApp newsletters and WhatsApp-automations to turn your WhatsApp-leads from support-inbound to marketing-outbound. From support-leads into marketing-leads. From costs to revenue.

Read this article if you wish to generate revenue through, the worldwide-unique, Chatarmin’s WhatsApp-intercom-integration.

Chatarmin’s Intercom WhatsApp integration enables you to do exactly that:

  • Use one WABA for perfect branding
  • Have a perfect user journey, since your clients interact with only one phone number
  • Have your support team work in their native environment on Intercom
  • Scale your WhatsApp-marketing at ease through the Chatarmin WhatsApp CRM

Otherwise you have three options, all very disadvantageous for your business:

  • Use two WABAs, one for WhatsApp-support, one for WhatsApp-marketing. Bad for branding, confusing for your customers. No seamless conversion from support-lead (costing you money) to marketing-lead (earning you money).
  • Having your customer support team to switch progressive web-apps in order to serve your clients via WhatsApp, which is very suboptimal.
  • Not offer your clients WhatsApp-support on the one side, or WhatsApp-Marketing on the other side

Ein WABA für Intercom WhatsApp Support und Intercom WhatsApp Marketing.

Source: Chatarmin, Q1 2024

You want to enable your clients to communicate with your business via WhatsApp throughout all their user journey, in all touchpoints of your funnel, at ease. You want to document every touchpoint, and use every chance to

  • turn support-leads in to marketing-leads, thus
  • generating you more top-of-funnel lead-throughput, as well as
  • more detailed lead-enrichment, and
  • more bottom-of-funnel revenue

This is THE state of the art WhatsApp-environment for your business. This is only possible throgh Chatarmin’s WhatsApp-Intercom-integration.

"If you provide omnichannel support, it's highly likely that over 90%—or even over 95%—of support tickets will come through WhatsApp. That's precisely why Chatarmin places its focus solely on WhatsApp. However, tools like zendesk, Gorgias, Freshdesk and Intercom don’t let you send out WhatsApp campaigns or create WhatsApp-flows. So, you’re missing out on all the upside. We change that with Chatarmin’s native Intercom WhatsApp integration." - Johannes Mansbart, Founder of Chatarmin

If you do want to quantify the business value of Chatarmin’s WhatsApp-Intercom-integration, feel free to book your appointment for your personal WhatsApp-consultancy here:

Johannes Mansbart

Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder

Intercom-WhatsApp-Integration by Chatarmin: Here is how much it costs

Using Chatarmin’s WhatsApp-Intercom-Integration comes with three costs:

WhatsApp conversational costs directly charged by the WhatsApp Business Platform Intercom’s costs for your Intercom tier Chatarmin’s Smarter Subscription

Here’s two ROI-calculations, based on certain ticket- and support-to-marketing-lead-conversions:

2.500 WhatsApp support tickets/month, 50% new customers, €5,00 lead-value

type of costmonthlyyearly

Looks like a good deal, right? Earning you a solid 10x-15x in return. Simply for setting yourself up with Chatarmin’s Intercom-WhatsApp-Integration.

7.500 WhatsApp support/tickets/month

type of costmonthlyyearly

Also here you return a solid 10-15x ROI calculating with a lead-value of a mere €5,00 which is a conservative calculation. Also, we hereby account 50% of your inbound support requests on new customers, whilst we respect the fact that around 50% of your service-tickets will be created by existing clients.

Let’s ignore the fact that sometimes a CLTV-boost of adding a second communications-channel with an existing client might add more value than a fresh lead.

No matter how we calculate it, adding top-of-funnel leads and bottom-of-funnel-revenue by scaling your customer support infrastructure strategically through Chatarmin’s WhatsApp-Intercom-integration is a true game-changer for your business.

If you wish to calculate your personal WhatsApp-Intercom-case, please scan this link and we’ll get back to you, after checking your businesses’ KPI’s such as AOV and CVR:

Kalkuliere deinen WhatsApp-Business-Case mit Chatarmin WhatsApp Marketing Tool.

Source: Chatarmin, Q1 2024

WhatsApp Intercom Integration by Chatarmin: Get started in 5 easy steps

Now that you’re aware of what problem we solve together, namely enabling one WhatsApp-business-account to be used for WhatsApp-support in Intercom, and WhatsApp-marketing in Chatarmin, here’s how it works.

Get started with your Chatarmin Intercom WhatsApp integration in five simple steps:

  1. Sign up for Chatarmin’s Smarter tier and sign into your Intercom account.
  2. Copy and paste your Intercom API key into your Chatarmin Dashboard.
  3. Install Chatarmin as your third-party customer support channel in Intercom.
  4. Test the solution by texting your WABA and iterate as needed.
  5. Make sure
  6. You're all set!

Setting up your Intercom WhatsApp integration with Chatarmin is straightforward. Chatarmin is the only WhatsApp CRM, in the world, that is flexible enough to support customer support in Intercom and marketing in Chatarmin, both at the same time, using the same phone number and WhatsApp-business-account.

Intercom-Integration for WhatsApp, WhatsApp-Intercom-Integration von Chatarmin.

Source: Intercom, Q1 2024

TIP: To upload and install private support apps, ensure you have the appropriate Intercom plan.

BONUS #1: WhatsApp Support Strategy for your WhatsApp Intercom setup

WhatsApp customer support can be categorized into two main types:

automated support through chatbots and manual support through human agents.

While chatbots have their place, as indicated by statistics, they excel in certain industries such as fashion, beauty brands, marketplaces, and apparel.

However, when it comes to managing customer interactions across various channels like Instagram, Facebook, Mail, SMS, and WhatsApp, using an omnichannel customer support solution like Intercom can pose challenges. These platforms often lack WhatsApp CRM features necessary for effective customer service and marketing across preferred communication channels.

WhatsApp stands out as the top choice for such use cases. Integrating Intercom with Chatarmin as a third-party app provides the flexibility needed for a WhatsApp Business Account (WABA).

”Over 80% of support tickets are submitted via WhatsApp, if you do offer your clients a multi-channel customer service infrastructure.” - Johannes Mansbart, Chatarmin-founder

Whilst Chatarmin resolves your WhatsApp Intercom scalability issue with its Intercom WhatsApp integration, one topic is still uncontested in this blog-post:

Using ChatGPT WhatsApp as well as your personal ai WhatsApp chatbot.

Chatarmin WhatsApp Intercom Integration

By bypassing Intercom's native solution and integrating Chatarmin as a custom third-party app, businesses can utilize the same WABA for both support and marketing purposes seamlessly. However, they cannot use Intercom’s native “Fin Bot” AI integration.

Here is the solution to this problem, if you do wish to handle your support-tickets in the following bot-deflection-logic:

AI-chatbot support: Handle your clients’ requests through your own trained LLM, fed by your company documents, websites, and knowledge static FAQ support: Create static FAQ flows to handle your clients’ most typical support requests Let your human agents resolve your clients’ issue, as a last option since it is the slowest and most expensive

Through Chatarmin’s AI WhatsApp solutions, you can do exactly that.

IndustryBot Deflection*
Industry Average92.95
Fashion and Beauty Brands86.05

Verloop CSAT and Bot Deflection Report on Conversational Messaging, 2022 *Bot Deflection = % Automatically solved support tickets through Chatbots

So, you can be sure, that no matter if you want to handle your customers’ requests via

  1. ai chatbot
  2. static chatbot
  3. human agents

You will find a serious way to do that via Chatarmin’s Intercom WhatsApp integration. If you’re still unsure how it works, simply contact us!

Johannes Mansbart

Johannes Mansbart

CEO & Co-Founder

BONUS #2: GDPR-compliant WhatsApp-Intercom-Integration by Chatarmin

Scaling your WhatsApp Intercom integration globally, means fulfilling global data protection standards. Whilst we have a lot of documentation on the topic of GDPR-compliant WhatsApp-business-usage in the blog post linked above, here is a quick table for you:

WhatsApp PrivateWhatsApp Business AppWhatsApp Business Platform
FunctionsPersonal Comm.Business Comm.API & Scalable Automations
target groupindividuals<>small groupscompanies<>customerscompanies <> companies/customers
Profiling Art. 4 GDPR
Obtaining consent Art. 6 GDPR
Conditions of consent Art. 7 GDPR
Obligation to provide information Art. 13 GDPR
Right of access Art. 15 GDPR
Right to rectification 16 GDPR
Right to erasure Art. 17 GDPR
Right to data portability Art. 20 GDPR
Right to object Art. 21 GDPR

Source: Chatarmin, Q1 2024

No matter whether you’re just starting out using WhatsApp, are starting to scale WhatsApp support or WhatsApp marketing, or are already in full scaling mode through Chatarmin’s WhatsApp-Intercom-integration, make sure you do so, using the WhatsApp-Business-Platform.

This is the only way to scale your WhatsApp-business-communication in a fully GDPR-compliant and end-to-end-encrypted way.

Summary: Chatarmin - Your Flexible Intercom WhatsApp Integration

When considering WhatsApp as a GDPR-compliant channel for support, sales and marketing, businesses often face challenges with fragmented user experiences and multiple WABAs. WhatsApp-Marketing-Tools won’t let you scale WhatsApp-support seamlessly, WhatsApp-Support-Tools don’t offer relevant WhatsApp-marketing features.

You end up losing on both sides, or at least one of them. Chatarmin's unique Intercom WhatsApp solution resolves this issue by enabling you to scale one WABA for support via Intercom, and marketing via Chatarmin.

WhatsApp Support und WhatsApp Marketing per Intercom.

Source: Intercom, Q1 2024

Maintain only one WhatsApp-Business-account, whilst scaling your operations seamlessly, turning WhatsApp-support-leads into WhatsApp-marketing-leads, without losing any client-touchpoints and -documentation.

Earn your business a solid 10-15x ROI on scaling your business through

top-of-funnel added leads converting your customer-support-requests to marketing leads with a long-lasting cltv boost and rattail retention revenue bottom-of-funnel revenue harvesting your client retention through WhatsApp flows and WhatsApp newsletters

instead of having free leads rinse through your inefficient customer support setup without any added benefit and at a pure-cost-play.

Utilize our unique WhatsApp Intercom integration as your all-in-one-stop-suite for all things WhatsApp. Maintenance of a single phone number and WABA for all interactions.

If you’re still seeking your optimal WhatsApp intercom setup, schedule a call with us for your free personal WhatsApp consultancy:

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